Finishing the Galvao style torreando pass?

4 things i do (in no particular order):

1) go knee on belly

2) go all the way to the head to north south or keep going around to the back

3)drive a knee between his legs to go for the BJ Penn pass to mount

4) jump to the other side

rodolfo vieira is the man to watch for all of these imo
4 things i do (in no particular order):

1) go knee on belly

2) go all the way to the head to north south or keep going around to the back

3)drive a knee between his legs to go for the BJ Penn pass to mount

4) jump to the other side

rodolfo vieira is the man to watch for all of these imo

Big fan of doing the same above combos with this pass, or any leg drag pass. Been on the recieving end plenty of times as well.
I've been playing some more with finishing and I told my training partner to try to stiff arm my bottom arm and invert (the counter that Zankou suggested) just to see how that would feel. I haven't had a problem with the inversion so far because I can keep running him down to prevent him from making space, BUT the main problem I'm having now is that my arm is getting completely shoved under me, which makes finishing anything really really hard.

Finishing the leg drag is hard because if he never lets me get my arm back, even though I've got his hips turned away, I'm making too much space trying to free my arm. Finishing north/south or on the back is risky because of the sucker roll (he keeps the arm under me, reaches over and grabs my belt and then rolls me over).

What is the best way to finish the pass (or free your arm) if you opponent is insistent on keeping your bottom arm stiff armed away?
How can this be modified for no gi?

It needs no modification. Even in the gi you can push the knee without actually gripping fabric. Think 3 points of contact: head on shoulder, hand on hip, hand on knee. Everything else is posture and pressure.

A very similar pass that's more common in no-gi is the over-under pass. With this pass, you're just one step "higher" up on the guard player's body, and you bypass the half guard.
I've been on the receiving end of the aforementioned "sucker roll" using this pass many times, but never have I seen anyone invert. To avoid the sucker roll, I, also as aforementioned, go to knee on belly to avoid it, or go north south, like Pablo Popovitch shows on his no-gi set. I also think that passing in combination is the solution to almost every passing problem. If the guy keeps shrimping, he is eventually going to have to square his hips up right? This would leave him open for Margarida or X-pass.