Finally I can curl in the power rack!!

Andrew D

Blue Belt
Professional Fighter
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
About 2 weeks ago my friend an I finished putting together our home gym in his apartment garage. I've never been prouder about anything before so I thought I would share a little.


Power Rack, 2 bars, incline/decline bench, weight tree


tire with dumbells to hold it in place, 8 lb sledge hammer, 12in box for squats, ab wheel


Messy garage/friend in background


6' x 6' lifting platform


close up, 1/4in plywood, 1/4in rubber mats





2x45lb bumper plates, 2x35lb bumper plates
Very, very nice
thanks, I feel like I just bought a new house or something, I feel great just sitting in there let alone working out down there
Good stuff that power rack looks tough.
Good stuff that power rack looks tough.

actually got it for free from one of my instructor's friends whose dad used to powerlift competitively like 30 years ago, so its damn tough haha

was a bitch to load in my truck and drive a few miles though
actually got it for free from one of my instructor's friends whose dad used to powerlift competitively like 30 years ago, so its damn tough haha

was a bitch to load in my truck and drive a few miles though

Let me be the first to say -- VALUEGASM!
Fucking sweet brother. That looks like a great little setup, you can do a ton of stuff there.
I'll have my own equipment some day. I need to focus on getting my own place first.

Great set up dude.
SICK setup you got there.

If I had a squat rack in my backyard I'd never go to the gym. Just Squat all day.
thanks guys, been doing the pull/press/squat 3 day split and I love having my own stuff because now I can try new stuff like OH Squats and snatch grip deadlifts.

The tire I got from some random tire place the guy was cool when i asked. The dumbells are pretty much just for putting in the tire because it slides about 2 inches per strike
Looks great. Tell your friend to get busy and pack on some mass.
Looks great. Tell your friend to get busy and pack on some mass.

We're definitely workin on it, I'm about the same height but about 20 pounds heavier, still a long way to go for both of us
Looks awesome, man. The ****l floor of the power rack kind of scares me. I picture hot day, sweat dripping, slipping and doing a split when squatting. Maybe put a piece of plywood inside the rack. But not everyone is as balance-challenged as me.
Looks great, that old look makes it look that much more awesome! I'm jealous, cause even though I have some money now to buy a power rack I don't have the space to out it up.
That's awesome!

Someday I'm going to get myself a basement and/or garage.