Fighter nicknames #2


Purple Belt
Apr 14, 2016
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There needs to some sort of committee that prevents redundant and retarded names. I mean do you really have to name every black fighter with dreads ‘the predator’?! (Desmond Green/Ngannou) and I’m sure more are coming. Also, does every stocky aggressive fighter have to be called ‘Pitbull?’ Just a little imagination is all I ask, or no name at all. All submitted names should be suspended pending my approval. And don’t get me started on ‘Bobby Knuckles.’ Goll
You're right. We need more The King of Rock and Rumble.
I tell people to call me, ‘Long Dong Silver,’ but I can’t speak for everyone.
im tellin you guys nickname swapping will work.

Anthony "Rampage" Johnson

Quinton "Rumble" Jackson
Stocky isn't a word i would use to describe AA....
Agree with TS.
Pitbull is grosely over used.

Also every nn including the words 'machine' or 'face' are tacky as hell.

Expect a 'Black Panther' nickname coming soon.

Other shameful mentions: 'The Answer' or 'The Truth' are really bad imo
I don’t know where “Bobby Knuckles” originated.

But I like it.
More 'Barn Cats' . Rory the barn cat something. Pretty forgettable fighter except the nickname.
Just need to be a little more creative; there was a fighter with the nickname "mantis shrimp". I thought this was a cool nickname, especially after I looked up what a mantis shrimp is.

For starters, combat sports in general should retire the name "Sugar". It's had its day.
I don't know why, but I still giggle when I hear Josh "The Dentist" Neer. It's just funny.