Opinion Females used to have rights.

Why would anyone believe someone identifies as a female when they still have male genitals intact? Surely if you are female one of the very first thing you'd want to do is get rid of that nasty cock and bollocks, wouldn't you?
This woman is doing the correct thing in suing this prison.
Yeah man, you've got it figured out. It's not because people are concerned about the destruction of society, it's because of their hidden desires.
"Destruction of society..."

Just when I think you couldn't "raise the bar" for being the forum clown.
Why is there a T in LGBT anyway? the rest are sexual preferences, never understood that. Anyone know the history of it?
Why is there a T in LGBT anyway? the rest are sexual preferences, never understood that. Anyone know the history of it?
Was an alliance of convenience between marginalized people. There's strength in numbers after all and every person counts when you're in such a minority. Apparently that alliance is coming to an end now. I'm sure there's more to the story, but that's what I picked up from the WR peeps in the know.
This would of been on the tv in nz, i wonder what the commentators were saying? "Well done?"
I agree with someone in the comments who said, 'what sort of cunt like this would WANT to do this to women?'
Why is there a T in LGBT anyway? the rest are sexual preferences, never understood that. Anyone know the history of it?
They LGB is starting to distance from the T in some places. Rightfully so, sexual preference has nothing to do with gender identity.
It blows my mind that people don’t get this. Changing the definition of the word ‘woman’ HAS A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON WOMEN

Oh good, a man with no skin in the game is saying that trans only affects a few people. Ffs. Do you not see women at all, we are being rewritten against our will. 51 per cent of the population! @holland_tom #r4today
To be fair, that's a biological female who wants to wrestle males, but the state of Texas won't allow it, so is forced to wrestle girls. Just goes to show, sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. As a general rule of thumb, I'd be inclined to let female-to-male transgenders compete against males, but not the inverse.

Also to be fair... As soon as that wrestler took Testosterone, he/she should have been banned from any competition, which is what would have happened to any other athlete who did the same thing.
This is disgusting if it happens. Why is this sort of thing going ahead in our society, it's obviously wrong & stupid?
Who would've thought that denying biological facts in favor of people's feelings would end badly?

Oh that's right, everyone with an ounce of common sense. You aren't a different gender just because you "feel" like you are. You are a person with mental problems and that is what is needed to be addressed, acknowledged and treated. Biological sex is not something that is dependent on how you feel, it is an immutable fact.
I think the argument is that:
1 - women reject the male definition of feminine and target gender roles
2 - gender is a social construct, not a biological one
3 - women are redefining that social construct to cast off the oppression of men
4 - transvestites agree with the new social construct and include themselves in this redefinition
5 - women protest that the social construct is only for women
6 - transvestites agree and say they are women because being a woman is no longer biologically defined
7 - women shit themselves