Fedor on his future in mma

Andrey Kamensky

Black Belt
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
I understand, that my fighting days are nearing the end judging by the time, and by the amount of fights that I had, but, If God is willing, then I'd like to stay a little longer.
Now we're looking at some offers, And we will choose the better one. If we're going to sign with any organization, then,I'm sure, they will offer me the best fighter.

So what's it gonna be? Bellator? Rizin? EFN? UFC?

and some pics from today:




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It's probably going to be another EFN fight or RIZIN fight. I still want to believe though that he will fight in the UFC just for one fight. I don't care war Fedor!
Karim Zidan, who seems to be pretty accurate with his Fedor news, said he thinks Fedor will probably end up at EFN again because they pay so well. It wasn't any inside information, just a guess on his part. I know Bobby Lashley just recently called out Fedor as well and Scott Coker said a few months ago that he would like to see Fedor in Bellator.

I know Fedor values freedom, so I just don't see the ufc in his future unless they give him a 1 or 2 fight contract. If he signs with any other org (Rizin, EFN, Bellator) he will be free to fight in any of the other ones as well. Based on his history of not liking to be tied down and told what to do, I see him in one of those orgs next.
Where were those pics taken? The link didn't take me anywhere, probably because I don't have an account there.
Is he holding peanut butter?
Here he is trying the figure the hell is that shit

Karim Zidan, who seems to be pretty accurate with his Fedor news, said he thinks Fedor will probably end up at EFN again because they pay so well. It wasn't any inside information, just a guess on his part. I know Bobby Lashley just recently called out Fedor as well and Scott Coker said a few months ago that he would like to see Fedor in Bellator.

I know Fedor values freedom, so I just don't see the ufc in his future unless they give him a 1 or 2 fight contract. If he signs with any other org (Rizin, EFN, Bellator) he will be free to fight in any of the other ones as well. Based on his history of not liking to be tied down and told what to do, I see him in one of those orgs next.
Well, it's only a guess. But I'll tell you what. When Fedor just came back, he said that he'd like to have a fight in Japan and then in Russia. And after he get's that of his chest he;d like to go back to the states. So I think that's the next step. Bellator or UFC. Plus, Alexey Safonov, probably the best Russian mma insider said that he believes we will see Fedor in the UFC, but he thinks that his next fight will be for Rizin.
Here he is trying the figure the hell is that shit

Well, it's only a guess. But I'll tell you what. When Fedor just came back, he said that he'd like to have a fight in Japan and then in Russia. And after he get's that of his chest he;d like to go back to the states. So I think that's the next step. Bellator or UFC. Plus, Alexey Safonov, probably the best Russian mma insider said that he believes we will see Fedor in the UFC, but he thinks that his next fight will be for Rizin.

Tainted peanut butter. Don't do it Fedor!
Here he is trying the figure the hell is that shit

Well, it's only a guess. But I'll tell you what. When Fedor just came back, he said that he'd like to have a fight in Japan and then in Russia. And after he get's that of his chest he;d like to go back to the states. So I think that's the next step. Bellator or UFC. Plus, Alexey Safonov, probably the best Russian mma insider said that he believes we will see Fedor in the UFC, but he thinks that his next fight will be for Rizin.

Yeah, I remember that. I didn't know if the Maldonado fight not going as planned would make him change his gameplan and take another fight before going to the states or not.

Thanks for the info on Alexey Safonov, I'll keep an eye on his news from now on. Karim recently said he heard there is trouble between Fedor and Rizin, but he didn't offer any source or evidence for that. Jerry Millen also seemed to imply that he was still helping Fedor as his sort of manager so I doubted the Rizin thing being true. Another Russian MMA reporter (Igor Lazorin) said he heard Fedor might fight in Rizin this year as well. So who knows.

After taking those punches against Maldonado, it's probably not terrible if negotiations take a little while. Just more time for his brain to recover.
Wont be the UFC, probably another EFN fight or one last fight with Crocop in Rizin.
Yeah, I remember that. I didn't know if the Maldonado fight not going as planned would make him change his gameplan and take another fight before going to the states or not.

Thanks for the info on Alexey Safonov, I'll keep an eye on his news from now on. Karim recently said he heard there is trouble between Fedor and Rizin, but he didn't offer any source or evidence for that. Jerry Millen also seemed to imply that he was still helping Fedor as his sort of manager so I doubted the Rizin thing being true. Another Russian MMA reporter (Igor Lazorin) said he heard Fedor might fight in Rizin this year as well. So who knows.

After taking those punches against Maldonado, it's probably not terrible if negotiations take a little while. Just more time for his brain to recover.
Yeah, well, it's seems Fedor is happy with his "comeback" against Maldonado, and said it's time to step it up. Also today in the interview he was asked about his recovery after the Maldonado fight, and he said that the doctors didn't find anything. no brain damage, no fractures... So let's he's good to go at it again.
And no problem. Alexey is a great source, but he posts in russian mainly, so it might be a problem for you.
Karim knows his stuff, so I believe him, but it's been so crazy lately with all the Fedor rumors, that I don't know what to believe anymore.
Yeah, well, it's seems Fedor is happy with his "comeback" against Maldonado, and said it's time to step it up. Also today in the interview he was asked about his recovery after the Maldonado fight, and he said that the doctors didn't find anything. no brain damage, no fractures... So let's he's good to go at it again.
And no problem. Alexey is a great source, but he posts in russian mainly, so it might be a problem for you.
Karim knows his stuff, so I believe him, but it's been so crazy lately with all the Fedor rumors, that I don't know what to believe anymore.

Yeah, Luckily my web browser translates hat stuff for me. It usually makes enough sense that I can figure out the point.

Yeah, there have been tons of rumors. Tito in Bellator, etc. Guess we will just have to wait and find out. Is it possible to post that entire new interview with Fedor on here? Even if it's in Russian?
Yeah, Luckily my web browser translates hat stuff for me. It usually makes enough sense that I can figure out the point.

Yeah, there have been tons of rumors. Tito in Bellator, etc. Guess we will just have to wait and find out. Is it possible to post that entire new interview with Fedor on here? Even if it's in Russian?
В Пятигорск приехал Федор Емельяненко

Долгожданным гостем Северо-Кавказского молодёжного форума «Машук-2016» снова стал многократный чемпион мира по смешанным единоборствам, четырёхкратный чемпион мира и девятикратный чемпион России по боевому самбо Федор Емельяненко.

После экскурсии по территории лагеря состоялась встреча с участниками. Открывая разговор, Федор Емельяненко поприветствовал форумчан и отметил, что всегда рад пообщаться с активной и талантливой молодежью Северного Кавказа.

Гостя буквально завалили вопросами, интересуясь его самочувствием после недавнего поединка с Фабио Мальдонадо.

«Для любого бойца самые неприятные и тяжелые удары – те, которые не видишь. Случилось так, что я пропустил удар в висок. Слава Богу, что удалось завершить бой благополучно. Первым делом, конечно, я обследовался. И все очень удивились, когда врачи абсолютно не увидели никаких последствий», - успокоил ребят знаменитый боец.

Машуковцы также поинтересовались, намерен ли Емельяненко завершить карьеру и чем будет заниматься после ухода из большого спорта.

«Я понимаю, что биться мне осталось немного и по времени, и по количеству боев, но, если Бог даст, я бы еще хотел подержаться», - заявил он. – «Сейчас мы рассматриваем различные предложения по сотрудничеству, и наиболее выгодное выберем. Если подпишем контракт с какой-то организацией, то, я уверен, мне для битвы предложат лучшего бойца».

Говоря о дальнейших планах, Федор Емельяненко отметил, что намерен оставаться в системе спорта.

«Сейчас я возглавляю союз ММА России - это тяжело, но очень интересно. Также тренирую ребят, езжу с мастер-классами, защищаю права спортсменов в международных промоушенах. Бросать эту работу я не намерен», - сказал гость «Машука».

Участники спросили у Емельяненко, почему он не поехал на Олимпиаду в Рио.

«У меня сейчас очень много работы. Да и, если бы я уехал в Бразилию, меня бы не было сейчас с вами», - под аплодисменты собравшихся ответил прославленный боец.

Чемпион также прокомментировал допинговый скандал, который омрачил подготовку к Олимпиаде российской сборной. По его словам, в принятом решении преобладала политическая воля, а не спортивная. Препарат, содержащий мельдоний, долгое время был разрешен и отменен абсолютно внезапно по непонятным причинам. При этом все понимали, что он имеет накопительный эффект.

«Во время тренировок организм спортсменов испытывает мощные перегрузки, «вымываются» многие витамины и минералы. Поэтому атлеты пьют определенные препараты, в том числе для поддержки сердца», - пояснил Емельяненко. - «По такому принципу можно было дисквалифицировать многие сборные».

Отвечая на вопрос о необходимости позитивной мотивации молодежи, боец подчеркнул, что любовь к Родине прививается с самого детства. Спорт - один из действенных инструментов для этого.

«Все мы были свидетелями, как объединили нас зимние Олимпийские игры в Сочи, насколько поднялся патриотизм, как все радовались нашим победам. Когда ребенок участвует в соревнованиях, он уже начинает стремиться к победе не только ради себя, а выступать, прежде всего, за свой город, за свою страну», - высказал свое мнение Федор Емельяненко.
Really, he should be training in the gym rather than hob knobbing with these peasants.

The Last Emperor needs to get serious with his training and more importantly his focus.
A fan touches Fedor and get's arm barred!

Sad. If Fedor had been training, his automatic response would have been to twirl around and put that individual on the ground, making them eat dirt or nearly breaking that limb off. :(
Really, he should be training in the gym rather than hob knobbing with these peasants.

The Last Emperor needs to get serious with his training and more importantly his focus.
His next training camp starts this month.
he really didn't say anything but nice pictures!