Favorite takedown?

Ankle pick or High-C here too.
low single because it's just as easy on a big guy as it is on a smaller.
Sweep/head inside single to peek out. Money. Or a head and arm, or a lat drop, or an arm spin
I dont train BJJ but I do wrestle, for me its a Hi-C or a ankle pick.

double leg and
no idea wat its called, but you have an under and an over, with the arm you have the over, you trap the same arm of your opponent, you then turn your opposite leg towards him while falling and rolling the same way
I dont train BJJ but I do wrestle, for me its a Hi-C or a ankle pick.

throw>>> satisfaction of any other takedown.

sa-sai throw. learnt from wrestling.

other than that it would be a johnson. low straight shot single. and just plow your shoulder into your opponents ankle AND FUCK DAT FOO UPP!!
Ankle Picks, and Doubles, I had about 40 takedowns this year (yeah thats it :icon_cry2) but a little over half were ankle picks, and another quarter were doubles.
throw>>> satisfaction of any other takedown.

sa-sai throw. learnt from wrestling.

other than that it would be a johnson. low straight shot single. and just plow your shoulder into your opponents ankle AND FUCK DAT FOO UPP!!

I had that happen to me this year, but it was to the knee, I got a sweet video where my knee bends the wrong way by like 4-6 inches, it put me out for the last part of the season before regionals...