Fast and Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers

God damn. I saw the Askren name and thought it was the real deal too. Oh well. Looks like I'm late to the clue as usual.
What the hell are they??
whats better for mma??
are different types better for different sports??
do dufferent ethnic groups have different types??

Many thanks
Its what makes mma interesting is it more nurture that make good fighters
Humans have three main muscle fiber types

Type IIB

Type IIA


Type I

Type IIB are your "ultra fast twitch" muscle fiber types. World lass sprinters, and weightlifters and shotputters have high amounts of this fiber type

Type IIA is your "fast twitch" muscle fibers. This is the most abundant form of fast twitch muscles, and is what most "normal" people have. They do not produce force as quickly as IIB, but dont tire as easily. For a reason unkown to science, resistance training causes the body to change IIB into IIA fibers. Training with very heavy weights, or training for maximal explosion ( Olympic style) is the best way to maintain as much type IIB fibers as you can.

Type I is your "slow twitch" fiber types. They produce force very slowly, but they have lots of hemoglobin in them. In animals this is known as "drak meat". Due to the rich hemoglobin content they can work for a long time without fatiguing. World class marathon runners, 10,00 meter runners, ironman athletes have high quantitites of this fiber type.

Which fiber is best for grappling is dependent upon your style of grappling/ fighting. A big strong powerful guy with lots of fast twitch muscles will probably have an explosive powerful game. A slow twitch guy will have a slower more methodical game plan
This hellped. Thanks