Fashion designer uses only Asian models at New York Fashion Week show

The Chinese are easily the closest people on earth to reaching the singularity.

I am really good at faces and subtly in looks.

I can tell all the East Asian groups apart, can identify a lot of the minority groups in China at a glance, and can even tell the Han-Chinese from various regions of China apart a lot of times... but when I worked in Zhejiang province, sometimes I would see someone I was SURE was someone I knew, the look was all but identical, and I would say hello and they would be shocked/surprised, and I would hear their voice was different.

Thousands of years of very confined reproduction had produced an amazing likeness.

I do not mean that in a derogatory sense either, just as part of human fascination and truth.
I am really good at faces and subtly in looks.

I can tell all the East Asian groups apart, can identify a lot of the minority groups in China at a glance, and can even tell the Han-Chinese from various regions of China apart a lot of times... but when I worked in Zhejiang province, sometimes I would see someone I was SURE was someone I knew, the look was all but identical, and I would say hello and they would be shocked/surprised, and I would hear their voice was different.

Thousands of years of very confined reproduction had produced an amazing likeness.

I do not mean that in a derogatory sense either, just as part of human fascination and truth.

It doesn't help that "singularity" in China is enforced to the point where anything out of the norm is looked down upon, including wearing a wrong color shirt. Maybe less so in recent times, but certainly in previous times.

I think people of European descent were also less distinguishable when everybody wore the same outfit and hairstyle.


It doesn't help that "singularity" in China is enforced to the point where anything out of the norm is looked down upon, including wearing a wrong color shirt. Maybe less so in recent times, but certainly in previous times.

I think people of European descent were also less distinguishable when everybody wore the same outfit and hairstyle.



Well, from a Western point of view I know what you mean.

We do things or do not do things because it is the right/wrong thing to do, as Judaism and "Christ the Tiger," taught that human hearts and feelings should be judged from the inside, that we do the right things for the right reasons, and that objective truth has value, and that we should respect those who are different.

If one were to strip that away, it becomes very important that we are all part of the clan and follow the leader, if we deviate, it will undermine the fabric of the society and people will fragment and do as they please... and since "theoretically" we also have subtracted morality more or less (much more) for a gray area of yin-yang... those fragments of humanity will act poorly, to put it mildly.

Therefore, you going your own way is unacceptable to OUR existence, if you want to be different, you must lie about it and be a hypocrite, you are not just encouraged to have hypocrisy, it is mandatory.
Also, I like the hats in the 2nd picture.

(I would never wear one but like them for some reason.)
It doesn't help that "singularity" in China is enforced to the point where anything out of the norm is looked down upon, including wearing a wrong color shirt. Maybe less so in recent times, but certainly in previous times.

I think people of European descent were also less distinguishable when everybody wore the same outfit and hairstyle.


These are black and white pics, euros are easier to tell apart because of the multitude of hair and eye colors. Africans and asians all have black hair and dark brown eyes and the same hair texture, curly or straight respectively. You can find whites with curly blonde hair, straight brown hair, straight blonde etc. Even if you go to scandinavia it's not unusual to see somebody with brown hair or a blonde blue eyed person in Sicily.
Asians are too successful and don't complain enough and are becoming increasingly viewed as privileged. Therefore they are slowly becoming targets of the left. @MicroBrew ought to feel silly allowing himself to get caught up in a controversy about light skin vs dark skinned asians. He should have seen how absurd it all is and kept moving. But this is what decades of unchecked racial propaganda does to a person and a society.
Asians are too successful and don't complain enough and are becoming increasingly viewed as privileged. Therefore they are slowly becoming targets of the left. @MicroBrew ought to feel silly allowing himself to get caught up in a controversy about light skin vs dark skinned asians. He should have seen how absurd it all is and kept moving. But this is what decades of unchecked racial propaganda does to a person and a society.

You know where that comes from?

Asian society being a face society puts all emphasis on education.

Study hard and be successful, and therefore, the culture looks up to education.

Fanatically, in many ways, but the success is overwhelming. They value the right things in that sense.

That becomes culturally dangerous and we do not like to hear it... but among the poor and uneducated whose families make poor decisions (to put it mildly), often for generations... Billy Bob out in the country thinks it is a grand idea to gamble his pension away, whereas a black American under cultural affliction might believe having a pair of shoes that let him "ball" better are the ticket to winning in life.

As cultural clans, as families, and as people they choose terribly and went with what was shinny and self serving instead of what was healthy. We all fall for that in some ways at some times in our life, but in the "lower" rungs of society that choice can be destructive in endless ways.

Lest we scoff and say "they had it coming," we better be humble to see past our own screw ups, or we're all a generation away form the same destruction.

As well as well, there is no easy answer as to what to do when Billy Bob decides to beat his wife for his own frustrations, or our young urban fellow decides to steal his sister's money for drugs.

I have an idea as to a first step though...

Encouraging any of that frivolous bullshit should be generally knocked off in our culture. That Bill Cosby was a rapist degenerate really did a lot of destruction, same with Televangelists who cheated and lost Billy Bob's confidence, it is all tragic, and we need good examples for good lives'.
Those models all look hideous to be honest.

Frail and vapid looking

True but no different to western fashion models as well, it’s an industry dominated by women and gay men.

If you asked me as a straight man to put on a show on male models it would probably look even worse.
You know where that comes from?

Asian society being a face society puts all emphasis on education.

Study hard and be successful, and therefore, the culture looks up to education.

Fanatically, in many ways, but the success is overwhelming. They value the right things in that sense.

That becomes culturally dangerous and we do not like to hear it... but among the poor and uneducated whose families make poor decisions (to put it mildly), often for generations... Billy Bob out in the country thinks it is a grand idea to gamble his pension away, whereas a black American under cultural affliction might believe having a pair of shoes that let him "ball" better are the ticket to winning in life.

As cultural clans, as families, and as people they choose terribly and went with what was shinny and self serving instead of what was healthy. We all fall for that in some ways at some times in our life, but in the "lower" rungs of society that choice can be destructive in endless ways.

Lest we scoff and say "they had it coming," we better be humble to see past our own screw ups, or we're all a generation away form the same destruction.

As well as well, there is no easy answer as to what to do when Billy Bob decides to beat his wife for his own frustrations, or our young urban fellow decides to steal his sister's money for drugs.

I have an idea as to a first step though...

Encouraging any of that frivolous bullshit should be generally knocked off in our culture. That Bill Cosby was a rapist degenerate really did a lot of destruction, same with Televangelists who cheated and lost Billy Bob's confidence, it is all tragic, and we need good examples for good lives'.

This is correct, it's all about culture and values. A healthy culture based on shared values is the only path to success for any society. Asian's excel in this arena. Conversely african americans do the worst. Everyone else is in between.

This is why I have little patience for the racial grievances of African American's. Whatever racial barriers or obstacles we may face pale in comparison to the ones we create for ourselves through the decisions we make and the values we hold. If we established a strong culture with strong values then all of those barriers and obstacles would be largely nullified due to our own empowerment.

However, there is one grievance I do consider valid is the fact that every group has a base culture and history in which to build from and organize around except us. And that is a direct result of slavery that directly harms us today. Latino's, asians, and europeans of all types start out in America with a known and shared culture & history to work with. That includes language, customs, values, skill sets, kinship, and identity. Many of us have an identity that is based almost entirely on our relation to white people. You know how mentally warped and destructive that is for a group of people?
Diversity == no white people involved

You would think it would mean , having a big variety of different people..
she just used a 100% asian lineup. Just like I hear claims that the 100% black actor lineup in "black panther" was diverse .
Its beyond a joke .
("white people are becoming a minority in their own Country")
I think she should be able to hire whoever she wants.

Absolutely, I just wish the media would stop promoting this as diversity.
Based on the few photos which I've seen, the models used look rather homogeneous.
I am really good at faces and subtly in looks.

I can tell all the East Asian groups apart, can identify a lot of the minority groups in China at a glance, and can even tell the Han-Chinese from various regions of China apart a lot of times... but when I worked in Zhejiang province, sometimes I would see someone I was SURE was someone I knew, the look was all but identical, and I would say hello and they would be shocked/surprised, and I would hear their voice was different.

Thousands of years of very confined reproduction had produced an amazing likeness.

I do not mean that in a derogatory sense either, just as part of human fascination and truth.
It's not just you
Asians are too successful and don't complain enough and are becoming increasingly viewed as privileged. Therefore they are slowly becoming targets of the left. @MicroBrew ought to feel silly allowing himself to get caught up in a controversy about light skin vs dark skinned asians. He should have seen how absurd it all is and kept moving. But this is what decades of unchecked racial propaganda does to a person and a society.
Says the guy who was against the Civil Rights movement and said MLK Jnr was wrong. Incase you missed it, the designer choose only Asians because she wants to promote diversity ; isn't that a progressive/leftist ideal.
Sounds like a clever ploy to use anorexic, stick thin models without being called out by feminists.


If there's a body type the fashion industry could use, without being called out for promoting "unnatural" and "unhealthy" body images, it would be the East Asians.