fan reacts to Jon Jones rainbow fetish (J. Driscoll)



Justin, if you're here, please speak up. Same for anyone else who spent money to see Jones fight at UFC 200Screenshot_2016-07-12-13-03-43-1.png
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He could have gotten a refund and he got to see anderson instead.

Regardless he's the real mvp.
That fan is asking for an eye poke.
I can't understand why he blames it on the poor rainbow.
Jones fans right know..

lmao, more fans need to react like this when celebs and athletes are assholes.

Jon let A LOT of people down. Most of all the fans. Now he thinks posting some positive BS about a rainbow will distract people from that fact.
I think it's time to just trend #BanJonJones.
Seemz Jon took something he knew waz not legal & it put a damper on the whole 200 card.
I got no interest in seeing him for the next 2 yearz.

Well said Justin.
lmao, more fans need to react like this when celebs and athletes are assholes.

Jon let A LOT of people down. Most of all the fans. Now he thinks posting some positive BS about a rainbow will distract people from that fact.
He's not trying to distract. He's not even thinking about his fans. He's thinking about the money he will lose and the money he won't make
Jones is human, give him a break under the rainbow.
I dunno, it's not like Jon is having the best week of his life. So that dude spent THOUSANDS, well Jon lost MILLIONS. It's all relative of course.
But they're both wrong and are both doing their "waaaaa, I'm the victim, was" shtick