'Falling' armbar


is not a real dj
Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
Not a full flying armbar, last night we drilled armbars from standing position. Rather than jumping and throwing your foot into their armpit, the version we drilled last night put the foot into to hip while falling back and spinning into the armbar.

What I'm looking for is some instructional or youtube videos of this technique for review. Can anyone help me out?

YouTube - Falling Armbar

Like this, but with the gi. We used elbow and inside collar grips.
bait him with the foot so he sweeps you and counter with this, he will often bend forward and make it easier, , if you can'tr turn him to his back = he then roll over your shoulder for a upside down armbar
That is the video that taught me this move, i rarely work from stand up but I try this whenever I do....bc my takedowns suck!
I don't have any take downs so I actually attempt this one quite often.
I don't like bending the knee in his armpit because if you mess up, he's pretty much passed your guard. Secondly, if he escapes your armbar, most of your counter attacks are negated. Instead I put my foot on the hip so that I'm still in guard if I mess up.
I don't like bending the knee in his armpit because if you mess up, he's pretty much passed your guard. Secondly, if he escapes your armbar, most of your counter attacks are negated. Instead I put my foot on the hip so that I'm still in guard if I mess up.

That's the same way I do this technique....it's a good alternative for bigger guys. When you're over 200 lbs. there isn't too much 'flying' that goes on...lol.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/nQuNZ62SicM&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/nQuNZ62SicM&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3SvElt6u1jU&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3SvElt6u1jU&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
not so much?
I won 1st place in my last tournament in the final match (10 seconds in) because of this move. Anyone who ties up 50/50 with me gets this.
at my gym we drill it a little differently but it does work for those who cant really jump that high..
I don't like bending the knee in his armpit because if you mess up, he's pretty much passed your guard. Secondly, if he escapes your armbar, most of your counter attacks are negated. Instead I put my foot on the hip so that I'm still in guard if I mess up.

That was the first version we did. Second version was the foot on the side/up the armpit. Third version was the inverted armbar.

judofarmerbob, that first video is exactly how we did the third version of our drill (inverted armbar).

Also, I hit it tonight in sparring for the first time! We start from the knees though, and I did it from a butt scoot / open guard instead of from standing.
i'm not a fan of knee-to-the-side for either flying or falling armbar, but that's because i'm taller and there's almost too much distance with the bend. plus, as far as flying armbar is concerned, i like the scissor method better anyway.

as far as the roll and pull, all you gotta do is kick the hip, then swing your free leg over. so easy. so awesome.