Facebook is Going Full Retard

Remember when facebook was only really for finding/coordinating hookups with fuckbuddies at your university(no, its because you're 14)? What a shame they let everyone in.....Especially the sleazy ad company creeps.
Remember when facebook was only really for finding/coordinating hookups with fuckbuddies at your university(no, its because you're 14)? What a shame they let everyone in.....Especially the sleazy ad company creeps.

That's how it started. I think now that adults use it, young people avoid it because it's not cool anymore. The average user age is like in the 40s I think...?
I'm not on it and never will be. I refuse to enrich these FB bastards.
Of course it's a slimy business. The creator stole the ideas and work of his friends and screwed all them over to start it. He's even been on record insulting the users who share data on facebook because they get no benefit from it and he gets to sell it.