high pulls are an explosive movement. i always use a somewhat lighter weight (55-65% of 1rm) so that i can use good form and be as explosive as possible. they shouldn't be hard on the wrist and shoulders as long as your grip isn't too narrow. you also may want to wrap your wrists. as far as other exercises let me try to throw a few more out: any clean variation (power, hang), snatches, hack squats, overhead squats, side lunges, one armed shoulder press, one arm curls, reverse grip rows, reverse grip cleans, floor press, tricep extension (lying, seated, or standing), close grip bench, reverse grip bench, JM press, front shoulder raises, pullovers, walking deadlift, shrugs, shrug holds, one arm shrugs, reverse lunge, jump lunge, step ups, jump squats, lunge with rear leg elevated, calf raises, forearm work, grip work, bradford press, and i'm sure you can find a park or something to do pull ups and dips on the monkey bars right?.......ummm that's about it that i can think of. hope i helped.