Ex-UFC Heavyweight Contender Brendan Schaub's comedy set reviews started pouring ...

Rogan is an atrocious comic as well. I’m talking no talent for it whatsoever. Zero clue how he doesn’t get those same kind of reviews.
His biggest joke is that he’s a comedian.

I cringe hard everytime he tries to talk comedy to a real comedian on his podcast. It’s almost as if nobody says anything against his delusion so he keeps making the JRE.

Remember when he told people Louis CK‘s leaked comeback wasn’t good material? Lmao at him being the judge.
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Rogan is alpha so you laugh at his joke because you want him to think you're cool. That's what I do I but don't need validation from Schaub though.
I guess I out-alpha them both then.
Rogan is an atrocious comic as well. I’m talking no talent for it whatsoever. Zero clue how he doesn’t get those same kind of reviews.
agreed though i do find him funny cracking jokes off the cuff on his podcast. just dont care for his comedy act
I cringe hard everytime he tries to talk comedy

I just cringe anytime he says anything, about literally anything.

I think I've heard more intelligent conversations on the lobotomy ward.
sounds like a bunch of jealous shertards made IMDB account

if brendan is so bad, please explain how he has become the most successful comic in just under three years
I prefer Amy Schumer
if brendan is so bad, please explain how he has become the most successful comic in just under three years

There are numerous examples of extremely untalented people making alot of money - nothing new there.

Grumpy cat recently died, having earned its owner a $70 million dollar fortune bro, just because its face looked angry. You don't have much of a leg to stand on.
Never heard of this Brandon fellow.
So I was walking into a store and BOOOOM this big dik mofo walks in... I'm just like woww this dudes huge!


(About 85% percent of his comedy routine)
Schaub needs to quit everything he does. Its impossible for him to be good at anything
He's young, but give him time. He might one day reach the level of a Dane Cook.
Rogan is an atrocious comic as well. I’m talking no talent for it whatsoever. Zero clue how he doesn’t get those same kind of reviews.
I don’t feel that far off from you. I just say it’s not for me, but Anthony Jeselnik (great comic) says he enjoys Rogan a lot. So maybe there is something I’m missing.
"Brendan Schaub is a huge inspiration to me. I was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder and CTE after being thrown through a glass door. I had no role models to look up to. That's when Schaub showed up and took on the mantel of father figure in my life (he's a beast of a dad, axe J). This special truly is a special special by a special man with special deeds. He's totally not where he is because he made a few famous friends. A true Renaissance man rain man protï¿ 1/2 1/2 (C)gï¿ 1/2 1/2 (C)."

That special sentence read like a Lupe Fiasco bar lol.
sounds like a bunch of jealous shertards made IMDB account

if brendan is so bad, please explain how he has become the most successful comic in just under three years

Because he was on his friends Podcast that had over 16 Million downloads a month and made Rockstar's out of Scientists, Journalists and even the Producer
I saw the trailer, and all I can say is if that's the material they choice to promote the special, then the special is almost guaranteed to fucking suck. That shit was atrocious.