Crime Egypt tourist bus explosion: Four dead and 11 injured after blast near pyramids

If you are pretending to be this dumb you are doing a really good job.

I said that terrorists claim that they commit their atrocities in the name of Islam and that they are motivated by the Quran and Hadith. This is different from saying that the Quran and Hadith actually justifies their acts or that their interpretation is the correct one. Maybe they are wrong and the Quran and Hadith do not justify such acts. Do you get the difference? Loosen up your turban you need some blood in that little brain.

My claim is trivial and true.
If you are pretending to be this dumb you are doing a really good job.

I said that terrorists claim that they commit their atrocities in the name of Islam and that they are motivated by the Quran and Hadith. This is different from saying that the Quran and Hadith actually justifies their acts or that their interpretation is the correct one. Maybe they are wrong and the Quran and Hadith do not justify such acts. Do you get the difference? Loosen up your turban you need some blood in that little brain.

My claim is trivial and true.

All these claims about the unethical practices of the Quraysh come from Muslim sources. It is very likely that they are fabricated lies to justify what Mohammed did. Do you have any non-Muslim sources corroborating these claims? You like to ask for evidence yet you never provide it for your claims.

Ibn Humayd- Salamah- Muhammad b. Ishaq- Yazid b. Ziyad- Muhammad b. Ka‘b al-Qurazi: They gathered against him, and among them was Abu Jahl b. Hisham, who said, while they were waiting at his door, "Muhammad claims that if you follow him in his religion, you shall be the kings of the Arabs and the non-Arabs, that after your death you shall be brought back to life and your lot shall then be gardens like the gardens of Jordan. He also claims that if you do not do this, you shall meet with slaughter from him, and that after death you shall be brought back to life, and your lot shall then be a fire, in which you shall burn."… (Al-Tabari, pp. 142-143),+and+that+after+death+you+al+tabari&source=bl&ots=YpECbse6Do&sig=SAmEnWPUtjRxjtA0vtOmRPkoHjY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3n8iRmczfAhXOZ1AKHX5gBncQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=you shall meet with slaughter after him, and that after death you al tabari&f=false

Happy now?

I say this in retrospect, knowing that he threatened to slaughter them and actually doing it. He is free to speak all he wants but that doesn't mean that there will be no consequences. He threatened to slaughter them and yet they didn't kill him, these so called barbaric and unethical people did not kill him.

Here we have Mohammed threatening to kill them because he heard them talk about him. Evidence of his narcissistic and evil nature:

"I could see from the Messenger of God’s face that he had heard them, but he went on. When he passed the second time they made similar remarks, and I could see from his face that he had heard them, but again he went on. Then he passed them the third time, and they made similar remarks; but this time he stopped and said, ‘Hear, men of Quraysh. By Him in whose hand Muhammad’s soul rests, I have brought you slaughter.’ They were gripped by what he said, and it was as though every man of them had a bird perched on his head; even those of them who had been urging the severest measures against him previously spoke in conciliatory ways to him, using the politest expressions they could think of, and said, ‘Depart in true guidance, Abu al-Qasim; by God you were never ignorant.’",+men+of+Quraysh.+By+Him+in+whose+hand+Muhammad’s+soul+rests,+I+have+brought+you+slaughter.&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiO1Kywm8zfAhVEZVAKHdikBYgQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=Hear, men of Quraysh. By Him in whose hand Muhammad’s soul rests, I have brought you slaughter.&f=false

I didn't say that I didn't like it. There are standards of evidence for the historical method. One of them is multiple independent sources that corroborate one another. In this case we have Muslims claiming bad things about their enemies so it is more likely that anything bad is more likely false of exaggerated.

Also, you never even cited the source you claim I reject. At least I provide the book, chapter and page and above I posted links to the actual book. You have provided 0 evidence to back up you claims.

I should be the one asking you that. Where are the Jews and Christians of Arabia? They were flourishing and at the top of society being the merchants, agriculturalists, artisans and so on. What happened to them? Islam happened to them. The Muslims discovered that they could just pillage and loot rather than through industry and honest hard work. This is how Mohammed attracted so many thugs and became the warlord we all know him as.

Don't be stupid. I merely posted a Hadith showing that Muslims attacked them by surprise and without a declaration of war. If you want to discuss this particular topic start a threat and I will prove that Mohammed was an opportunist and that he waited for the right time to attack and take all their property because as you know he took 20% of the booty and the wealthier and more successful he became the more thugs and bandits he attracted.

OK, so you list some names and this constitutes a refutation? Where are the links or sources? Did you loosen up your turban?

You provided 0 sources. Not a single reference to a book, chapter or page and not a single link.

Yes, continue talking about honesty and ignorance...


This is getting repetitive. You make a claim, I respond, you make the same claim, I respond. Instead of answering this in depth again, just read one of my various previous responses. In short, motivations are generally local or international political injustices - there are many sources but the one I gave was Michael Scheuer, former head of the Bin Laden unit, in his different books including Imperial Hubris and Through our Enemies Eyes.


All these claims about the unethical practices of the Quraysh come from Muslim sources. It is very likely that they are fabricated lies to justify what Mohammed did. Do you have any non-Muslim sources corroborating these claims? You like to ask for evidence yet you never provide it for your claims.


It is 'very likely'? Really? Your subjective opinion on the source is of no interest. Feel free to disagree with the source as I do with some of yours, but provide valid reasons for their in-authenticity. Not "I don't like Muslims, they're probably liars".

Ibn Humayd- Salamah- Muhammad b. Ishaq- Yazid b. Ziyad- Muhammad b. Ka‘b al-Qurazi: They gathered against him, and among them was Abu Jahl b. Hisham, who said, while they were waiting at his door, "Muhammad claims that if you follow him in his religion, you shall be the kings of the Arabs and the non-Arabs, that after your death you shall be brought back to life and your lot shall then be gardens like the gardens of Jordan. He also claims that if you do not do this, you shall meet with slaughter from him, and that after death you shall be brought back to life, and your lot shall then be a fire, in which you shall burn."… (Al-Tabari, pp. 142-143),+and+that+after+death+you+al+tabari&source=bl&ots=YpECbse6Do&sig=SAmEnWPUtjRxjtA0vtOmRPkoHjY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3n8iRmczfAhXOZ1AKHX5gBncQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=you shall meet with slaughter after him, and that after death you al tabari&f=false

Happy now?


No not happy at all as you have made another serious blunder. Like I said countless times before, familiarise yourself with the source material as it leads to things like this. Like with the issue of Hadith sciences, I'm happy to explain. Tabari is NOT a reliable source for scholars and never has been. Tabari, by his own admission, never verified information - he would hear something, correct or incorrect, and record it. Whereas Hadith science has a chain of narration which divided reliable and unreliable narrations into categories of Sahih, Hasan, Daeef, Maudu - ranging from strong/sound to fabricated - Tabari had no such verification process leading scholars to declare him unreliable in his own right. However if Tabari recorded something which was corroborated by a Sahih or Hasan narration, then it can be used.

Furthermore Tabari, at the start of his book Tareekh At-Tabari, HIMSELF puts a disclaimer in mentioning the inaccuracies. It is ironic that the source that you bring up himself claims that the source is not reliable. Kinda refuted your own point there, didn't you?

I say this in retrospect, knowing that he threatened to slaughter them and actually doing it. He is free to speak all he wants but that doesn't mean that there will be no consequences. He threatened to slaughter them and yet they didn't kill him, these so called barbaric and unethical people did not kill him.

Here we have Mohammed threatening to kill them because he heard them talk about him. Evidence of his narcissistic and evil nature:

"I could see from the Messenger of God’s face that he had heard them, but he went on. When he passed the second time they made similar remarks, and I could see from his face that he had heard them, but again he went on. Then he passed them the third time, and they made similar remarks; but this time he stopped and said, ‘Hear, men of Quraysh. By Him in whose hand Muhammad’s soul rests, I have brought you slaughter.’ They were gripped by what he said, and it was as though every man of them had a bird perched on his head; even those of them who had been urging the severest measures against him previously spoke in conciliatory ways to him, using the politest expressions they could think of, and said, ‘Depart in true guidance, Abu al-Qasim; by God you were never ignorant.’",+men+of+Quraysh.+By+Him+in+whose+hand+Muhammad’s+soul+rests,+I+have+brought+you+slaughter.&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiO1Kywm8zfAhVEZVAKHdikBYgQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=Hear, men of Quraysh. By Him in whose hand Muhammad’s soul rests, I have brought you slaughter.&f=false


See above.

I didn't say that I didn't like it. There are standards of evidence for the historical method. One of them is multiple independent sources that corroborate one another. In this case we have Muslims claiming bad things about their enemies so it is more likely that anything bad is more likely false of exaggerated.

Also, you never even cited the source you claim I reject. At least I provide the book, chapter and page and above I posted links to the actual book. You have provided 0 evidence to back up you claims.


They are mentioned in more than one place including the Quran which is the earliest recorded text relating to that period. Surah Takvir, chapter 81 talks about the infanticide of that culture but it is also mentioned in Hadith. The collection of Abu Dawud also talks about the killing of female children at that time. Of course you don't like the source because they are too "Muslim". You can't find any counter sources but just can't accept the ones that are the earliest recorded sources of that time. You want some Western source for the ongoings in 7th century Arabia? lmao

I should be the one asking you that. Where are the Jews and Christians of Arabia? They were flourishing and at the top of society being the merchants, agriculturalists, artisans and so on. What happened to them? Islam happened to them. The Muslims discovered that they could just pillage and loot rather than through industry and honest hard work. This is how Mohammed attracted so many thugs and became the warlord we all know him as.


Again, this has been answered before. Jews continued living in Arabia long after the Prophets death. Re-read at my previous posts - I am not going to keep repeating it. As for the current demographics of Saudi Arabia, they bare no relation to what is 'Islamic', it is the text and scriptures that decide that.

Don't be stupid. I merely posted a Hadith showing that Muslims attacked them by surprise and without a declaration of war. If you want to discuss this particular topic start a threat and I will prove that Mohammed was an opportunist and that he waited for the right time to attack and take all their property because as you know he took 20% of the booty and the wealthier and more successful he became the more thugs and bandits he attracted.


Actually you mentioned a narration without knowing the full picture and it turned out you had refuted your own point again. You thought you were showing the Muslims attacking a random tribe for no reason. It turns out the tribe, Banu Mustaliq, was not only at war with the Muslims but had fought with the Quraysh at Uhud where many casualties were inflicted. This is record by Ibn Kathir in his book and Asqalani as I mentioned earlier. Check out both sources.

OK, so you list some names and this constitutes a refutation? Where are the links or sources? Did you loosen up your turban?

You provided 0 sources. Not a single reference to a book, chapter or page and not a single link.

Yes, continue talking about honesty and ignorance...

I listed names that anyone familiar with the source material would know. It is so widespread that you can find their story in almost any of the 6 books of hadith. Check Bukhari, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi and Ahmad. When I get home, if I have time I may take pictures of the relevent passages and attach them. You have spoken about some of the sources - pretending you are familiar with them - but when I mentions things from them, you seem to suffer from that temporary memory loss again.
Nice changing of the goalposts there. What does it matter if its not done globally? Why sweep it under the rug? Because the cartels are merely terrorizing one region of the globe that houses a mere 600 million?
What sweeping under the rug? They're no better, just more confined to their territory and less expansionist in their aims. Are the cartels exporting their brand of terrorism ala wahabi mosques built around the globe?

And if your claim is they terrorize all of south and central america then that means Islam is terrorizing Africa, Asia and Europe with the odd forays into North America and Australia. Thank god the penguins in Antarctica are safe. For now.
What sweeping under the rug? They're no better, just more confined to their territory and less expansionist in their aims. Are the cartels exporting their brand of terrorism ala wahabi mosques built around the globe?
Why does that matter? It still disproves your point about beheadings and terrorism being unique to Islamists. Cartels were literally something that came up off the top of my head, I could likely easily find many other examples disproving your flimsy point. At this point you're basically being stubborn and trying to save face instead of admit you're wrong.
Why does that matter? It still disproves your point about beheadings and terrorism being unique to Islamists. Cartels were literally something that came up off the top of my head, I could likely easily find many other examples disproving your flimsy point. At this point you're basically being stubborn and trying to save face instead of admit you're wrong.
Maybe, but he has a point.

If this shit behavior (terrorist bombings, beheadings) has nothing to do with Islam then why is it almost exclusively the domain of the followers of old Mo? The no true Scotsman excuse making is sooo 2018.
One little word, "almost" in this case, can make quite a difference.
One little word, "almost" in this case, can make quite a difference.
But that's still not true, the cartels commit violence on a fairly large scale as well and in fact are actually a greater danger to me as an American. But I guess if you wish to hide behind a technically instead of show humility and consider the fault in your statement I'll take it.
Cartels have their own blogs to document their violence. And the people reporting on them have to keep their identity hidden because they end up getting executed and posted on the sites.
Cartels have their own blogs to document their violence. And the people reporting on them have to keep their identity hidden because they end up getting executed and posted on the sites.

I've seen it on liveleak, I'll take a shotgun blast to the head by ISIS over being decapitated by a chainsaw by the cartels any day.
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But that's still not true, the cartels commit violence on a fairly large scale as well and in fact are actually a greater danger to me as an American. But I guess if you wish to hide behind a technically instead of show humility and consider the fault in your statement I'll take it.

My understanding is that more Americans are murdered in Mexico than every other country combined (excluding the US obviously).
My understanding is that more Americans are murdered in Mexico than every other country combined (excluding the US obviously).
I imagine that's due both to the high level of violence and the proximity to the US which would naturally lead to more Americans visiting Mexico than say the Philippines. But point taken nonetheless.
I imagine that's due both to the high level of violence and the proximity to the US which would naturally lead to more Americans visiting Mexico than say the Philippines. But point taken nonetheless.

That's part of it, but even the per capita numbers aren't great, although there's probably worse countries (one incident would make a huge difference if there's few international visitors). Stats were from 2016. 31 million visited Mexico with 75 murdered. 49 million visited every other country, with 69 murdered.
Still a much better per capita rate than Americans killed in America I guess (although it's not a fair comparison given the length of visits), but that's not saying much.
That's part of it, but even the per capita numbers aren't great, although there's probably worse countries (one incident would make a huge difference if there's few international visitors). Stats were from 2016. 31 million visited Mexico with 75 murdered. 49 million visited every other country, with 69 murdered.
Still a much better per capita rate than Americans killed in America I guess (although it's not a fair comparison given the length of visits), but that's not saying much.
Yikes, that's bad but can't say I'm surprised.
If you’re explanation is to claim the motivation to kill civilians and commit terrorism is from the Quran, then you need to back that up from mainstream understandings of the book. You also need to explain why most Muslims don’t join these terror groups or commit terrorism and why the main victims of terrorist groups are Muslims themselves.
Shouting Allah Akhbar as you attempt to kill innocent people is pretty damning and points towards the Quran being their motivation.

Crazy people or people who have hatred towards the government do no shout god is great as they carry out their crimes.
This is getting repetitive. You make a claim, I respond, you make the same claim, I respond. Instead of answering this in depth again, just read one of my various previous responses. In short, motivations are generally local or international political injustices - there are many sources but the one I gave was Michael Scheuer, former head of the Bin Laden unit, in his different books including Imperial Hubris and Through our Enemies Eyes.
You think you respond but you don't, you merely refuse to get the point, a very simple point. Didn't ISIS claim to has established the Caliphate and so on? Where do they get these ideas from? You seem to imply that ISIS has 0, nothing at all to do with Islam. This is why no one will take you seriously here, you come across as delusional or dishonest.

To iterate my point again: Islamic terrorists claim that they follow the commands of Allah and Mohammed.

This is a descriptive statement. It doesn't say whether the claim of said terrorists is true or false or whether Islam is their only source of motivation. They could be Jews trying to make Islam look bad. My claim says nothing but that x says y.

How many times will I have to explain this simple and trivial point?

It is 'very likely'? Really? Your subjective opinion on the source is of no interest. Feel free to disagree with the source as I do with some of yours, but provide valid reasons for their in-authenticity. Not "I don't like Muslims, they're probably liars".
That is a valid criticism used by Historians.

I'm sure you've heard this saying before: “History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books-books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe. As Napoleon once said, 'What is history, but a fable agreed upon?” Dan Brown.

Think about it, Mekka was supposed to be one of the largest trade centres visited by every merchant. Don't you think we would have at least 1 record of the infanticide the Quraysh supposedly practised? All we have is what the Muslims wrote years after the events. Just like they invented Hadiths about Mohammed they could easily have invented these stories about the Quraysh.

But all this aside, we know what Mohammed really wanted and he took it.

No not happy at all as you have made another serious blunder. Like I said countless times before, familiarise yourself with the source material as it leads to things like this. Like with the issue of Hadith sciences, I'm happy to explain. Tabari is NOT a reliable source for scholars and never has been. Tabari, by his own admission, never verified information - he would hear something, correct or incorrect, and record it. Whereas Hadith science has a chain of narration which divided reliable and unreliable narrations into categories of Sahih, Hasan, Daeef, Maudu - ranging from strong/sound to fabricated - Tabari had no such verification process leading scholars to declare him unreliable in his own right. However if Tabari recorded something which was corroborated by a Sahih or Hasan narration, then it can be used.

Furthermore Tabari, at the start of his book Tareekh At-Tabari, HIMSELF puts a disclaimer in mentioning the inaccuracies. It is ironic that the source that you bring up himself claims that the source is not reliable. Kinda refuted your own point there, didn't you?
I am aware that Muslims reject the ugly parts in Tabari's history, even though he wrote it after Ibn Ishaq and was supposed to have done a better job than him. No surprise that you will reject anything that shows Mohammed in a bad light. The fact that you reject it is evidence that you agree that the early history books paint Mohammed as the aggressor and a bad person.

Anyone can invent an isnad. Even today scholars dispute some of the sahih hadith claiming that there are maudu or whatever. It is not a science; putting the word science before hadith doesn't make it a science.

If you reject all the early books about the prophet then which do you accept, they heavily whitwashed Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum? You like this more because it doesn't show the true character of you god.

They are mentioned in more than one place including the Quran which is the earliest recorded text relating to that period. Surah Takvir, chapter 81 talks about the infanticide of that culture but it is also mentioned in Hadith. The collection of Abu Dawud also talks about the killing of female children at that time. Of course you don't like the source because they are too "Muslim". You can't find any counter sources but just can't accept the ones that are the earliest recorded sources of that time. You want some Western source for the ongoings in 7th century Arabia? lmao

"This research investigates the spread of infanticide that apparently prevailed in pre –
Islamic era, which many people have reported claiming that burying female children alive
was a common happening during that time. This paper proposes that the spread of
infanticide among Arabs in the Pre-Islamic era was not true. Accusations of infanticide
moved down among Arabs from generation to another until it became deeply rooted in
the minds of Arabs in subsequent generations. The present paper attempts to shed light on
many issues, which will hopefully cover this phenomenon from various aspects"

Inb4 this was written by Jews.

For all we know that verse from the Quran talks about a specific case and the hadith, well, they were compiled 200 years after Mohammed. Plenty of time to write a different history.

Again, this has been answered before. Jews continued living in Arabia long after the Prophets death. Re-read at my previous posts - I am not going to keep repeating it. As for the current demographics of Saudi Arabia, they bare no relation to what is 'Islamic', it is the text and scriptures that decide that.
That is not what I meant. They were at the top of society, they lived in peace among Christians and Polytheists. Why is it that when the Muslims arrived they lost everything they had? The Muslim terrorists had every reason to attack the Jews, they had fertile land, women, cattle, valuable things. Why would the Jews attack the Muslims? Intolerance of their religion? Why did they live in peace with Christians and other religions of the area?

Even at this level of analysis we can see who the victims were.

Actually you mentioned a narration without knowing the full picture and it turned out you had refuted your own point again. You thought you were showing the Muslims attacking a random tribe for no reason. It turns out the tribe, Banu Mustaliq, was not only at war with the Muslims but had fought with the Quraysh at Uhud where many casualties were inflicted. This is record by Ibn Kathir in his book and Asqalani as I mentioned earlier. Check out both sources.

It was the Muslims who instigated it and I can prove it. Just start a new thread. Muslims had every reason to do so, they were thugs and bandits and their lived off looting and pillaging, hence why Mohammed was behind more than 70 offensive attacks on villages and caravans. Whereas the Jews had nothing to envy about the Muslims. We also know that Mohammed recruited more people to join his cult with every successfully pillaged and looted village and caravan.

I listed names that anyone familiar with the source material would know. It is so widespread that you can find their story in almost any of the 6 books of hadith. Check Bukhari, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi and Ahmad. When I get home, if I have time I may take pictures of the relevent passages and attach them. You have spoken about some of the sources - pretending you are familiar with them - but when I mentions things from them, you seem to suffer from that temporary memory loss again.
Don't forget to post pics. As they say, pics or it didn't happen.