Echo Chambers, break the habit!


Oct 26, 2009
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Now that I'm not piss drunk I want to test a theory. Is there at least ONE thing you can say that is good about your opposing party if your a hardcore democrat or liberal or vice versa if your a Republican?

Like is there some platform they run on or ideal they have that you can get behind?
Also what's a stance your political group has you do not share. Even if your one of the sub groups or a true neutral go for it anyways.

I'll go first.

Democratic: I am pro education for all. Everyone needs to be smarter right? I'm for raising taxes a bit for everyone to get educated.

Republican: Gun rights for all. I get it. Slippery slope and all. But there are just some nutjobs who obviously do not know how to care for and treat a deadly weapon.

If you say there is absolutely nothing you do not agree with that your party believes in you are probably lying to yourself.
Trump is pushing for prison reform right now and nobody is really paying attention to it. I think the reforms suggested are positive. He's also encouraging American companies, which are doing well and hiring due to the economy, to hire recently released convicts to give them a chance to earn an honest living and avoid re-incarceration. That is more positivity, in my opinion.
Dems definitely win when it comes to at least attempting to provide enough funds for public K-12 schools

They also tried something with healthcare, it didn’t work out very well in my opinion, but sure beat out Rs complaining and campaigning on appealing ObamaCare only to be promptly embarrassed about having no plan to do so despite years of time to prepare for it
I'm struggling really hard to think of a GOP policy that I support. I agree that liberal culture can be obnoxious, there are legitimate grievances for how conservatives are portrayed in the media, and I agree that self-sufficiency is a truly admirable trait in conservatives, but the policies seem plain disconnected from the goals they are trying to achieve. Like, a lot of conservatives will say something like "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for life" as an argument against social safety nets. The problem is that there is no Teaching aspect to their policy (unless starvation is meant to be a lesson).
I think Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA) is awesome, but he would be considered a Liberal in any other state.
The best I can say is that I believe most conservatives (especially the ones not on the internet) are good people who want the same things liberals do, but they want to achieve them in a very different way.
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Unless you're a total nutjob, you probably agree with some things on both platforms.

I support the R views on capital punishment (although not draconian drug laws) and support NSA monitoring of civilians who are under suspicion of threats to national security. I also support any method of evidence gathering at all to catch child molestors. I'd also like to go back to the "dont ask, dont tell" policy of sexual orientation among service members.
Conservative voting base is completely different than the GOP, imo. I don't think I really can find much to agree on with the actual GOP. There is a fair amount I don't agree with when it comes to the DNC, but they are head and shoulders better for the American people than the GOP. So I guess I fail in this thread <Moves>
Absolutely. I am concervative for the most part however I support the idea of the social safety net. The practical application of it? Not so much.
Also I am pro-labour movement. I wasn't always, but it's one of the topics I have dramatically changed my attitude towards.
I have also always been in support of gay rights/marriage etc.
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I agree with so little of the Republican platform that this exercise is about as useful to me as agreeing with a serial rapist that the Beatles made good music.
I'm always an advocate for individual liberty.

Democrats supporting the decriminalization of relatively harmless recreational drugs is a step in the right direction towards greater individual liberty.

However, from the perspective of anyone who supports the Second Amendment and all of the freedoms that it entails, the Democrats still have a long ways to go when it comes to respecting individual liberties.

As a primary voting Republican, I can personally say that I did not like the John McCain/Lindsey Graham wing of the party that for at least 10 years, never saw a war they didn't like.
I support banning partial birth abortion, which GWB did, I believe.

It is really, really difficult to come up with a substantive environmental, economic, or labor policy I agree with the GOP on.

Culturally, I’m quite conservative. I was raised Catholic, and I believe very traditional things like people shouldn’t get divorced.

I feel like a lot of people vote GOP because they identify as cultural conservatives while they identify the Dems with cultural liberalism. And I get that... (I don’t agree with it, but I get it).

But as far as actual concrete substantive policy... it is difficult for me to see how the GOP is anything except a tax haven for the rich and a source of corporate welfare for their pet industries (fossil fuels, big pharma, big ag, etc.) and the military industrial complex.
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I disagree with everything both sides pretend to stand for.
I'm an independent and therefore too good for this exercise
I do not support the GOP's stance on climate change and the environment. I think that the Democrats aren't going about fixing it in the right way at all, but they are at least willing to admit there is a problem. The GOP is pretending that there isn't a problem, and I'm very frustrated with this stance.
I have no party; blind affiliation is for tards.
I can get behind 2A (within reason there needs to be mental health screenings though but that goes to a larger mental health problem in the US)

Education for all (up to Bachelor's but it MUST be finished and in 4 years or you have to pay everything back)

Healthcare for all. To appreciate this one it takes one of two things - having empathy or getting completely fucked by the HC industry (bills, ins, hospital, etc)

Protection of 4A rights the most important amendment
I was gonna say I agree with democrats on abortion rights. Less people is always a good thing but hey don't tell them that's what I meant when I agree with them on it. ; )
I'd bet dollars to donuts that this guy voted for Trump.



Tailor-made recommendations from Google — especially through YouTube — really reinforce the echo chamber phenomenon now.
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