Duncons Workouts


Blue Belt
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score

1 arm Swipe x 15 pds x 500/500 = 1000 reps in 54 min 55 sec

Switching hands every 10 reps. It felt good. No problem with legs,arms, etc. On rep number 470, my right palm of my hand under my thumb, skin ripped off and it was stinging like a bastard. I kept going since I was almost done anyways. Dam it hurts. Systemically today and last night, whole body is fried.

Finished off with some Bridging.

Back Bridging, working on ROM, 10 reps
Side x 40 reps
Front x 1 min Hold.

Called it a night )))))))

Chin up x 5
Pistol x 5
Handstand PU A Wall x 5
Cross Chest Hammer Curl x 30 x5
Windmill 60xsingle
DBWC 50x5

Run and walk home x 20 min
Duncon, what exactly are you training for? Intersting workout and i'm curious to see what exactly you use it for. I cross train BJJ and heavy weight training because i'm really lookin to put on serious size and strength and thats my main priority at the moment. Weighted stretching and warmups will hopefully keep me limber enought that i can still stay effective on the ground every week.

Training for? Strength, strength in movement, stay healthy, etc. For Self D reason, I do more Tony Blauer aspects, not for any sport. I am old fashioned, Old Dinosaur School kind of guy you know!! :)))

8 30pm

Chinups x singles x 10 sets
Pistols +25pds x singles x 10 sets
Handstand pushups a wall x singles x 10 sets
Cross Chest Hammer curls x singles x 5 sets x 30pds
Dumbell wrist curls x singles x 5 x 55pds
1 legged toe raises x singles x 70pds x 5 sets


Hindu squats
Hindu Pushups

Using a deck of cards. Royal family and Ace was 5 reps. Got up to card number 38, before I stopped. Total reps 208 reps

Of course I had to do this while watching The Ultimate Fighter 2 show :))))
Behind Back Deadlifts x Ladders (1,2,3,4,5 ) reps x 2 sets. Total x 30 reps x225pds
Dips x BW(163)x Ladders 1,2,3,4,5, Total x 15 reps
Throughout work hours,

Bending x 16 sets
Easy/Hard Timber Ties x10 sets
6 inch Galviinized nailsx 4 sets
5 inch galvinized nailsx 2 sets

Treadmill run x intervals hill/speed x 20 minutes.
Pullups ( changing grip every set ) Ladders (1,2 ) reps, total x 30 reps

Squats ( with 45pd bar on back ) x 100 reps


Squats ( with 45pd bar on back ) x 50 reps
Bench Press x 95pds ( Ladders, 1,2,3,4,5 ) until I hit 50 reps

Standing Barebell Push Press x Singles x 50 sets x 30 min x 115pds

( while watching UF2 on Spike!!!! )

2 arm Bruiser Clean/shoulder park/squat x ( Using Deck Of cards )
(Royal family was 5 reps )

Worked up to total of 55 reps

Back Bridges x 3x10 working on ROM, got nose to mat, but did not keep it there.
Side Bridge 3x10
Deadlift Lockouts x singles x front/back style x225/315/405/495pds
Turkish Get ups DB x singles x 50-60-70pds
DB Windmill x 50pds x 5 reps


1 arm clubbell Mills x 15pds x 255/255=510 reps x 19 min 48 sec

Stopped short today, since my right tricep was cramping up. I did not have much energy today to finsih, I wanted a lot more reps, but no big deal, rest and fight again another day.


Barebell Push Presses x singles x 135pds x 30 sets x 30 min


All Bridging, Front/Back/Side/Shin...while watching UF2 baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chinups x ladders
BW x 1 ( 1 towell wrapped around bar)
BW x 2 ( 2 towells wrapped around bar)
BW x 3 ( 3 towells wrapped around bar) bar is over 2 inches now, its tough!!
BW x 4 ( 2 towells around bar )
Single with BW (166pds) +25pds ( 2 towells around bar)
BW x 1 ( 3 towells wrapped around bar)
BW x 2 ( 3 towells wrapped around bar)
BW x 3 ( 3 towells wrapped around bar)
Single with BW +25pds ( 3 towells around bar)

BW+25 x 1
BW+25x 2
BW+25x 3
BW+25x 4
BW+45pds x single
BW+25x 1
BW+25x 2
BW+25x 3
BW+45pds x single

Undergrip Hang(with 3 towells around bar) x 10sec

Thick Dumbelll 2 inches ( 1 arm )

High Pull
Squat/Push Press
Bent row

Go threw the whole sequence without stopping.
Single x 72pds
Ladders x 42pds x 2,3,4,5,6,7 reps total =112 reps

Barebell Complex

Clean high pull
Front squat
Push Press
Bent row

45pds x 10 reps
65pds x 9 reps
75pds x 8 reps
Total = 162 reps

Barebell Complexes

Back Push Presses
Overhead squats
Clean High Pulls

65pds x 5 reps per exercise

Drop Snatch
Clean and Presses
Power Snatches
Jump Back Squats

65pds x 5 reps per exercise

Hang Snatches
Clean Pulls
Front squats
Hang Cleans

65pds x 5 reps per exercise

Snatch High Pulls
Push Presses
Overhead squats
Hang Snatches

65pds x 5 reps x per exercise

Hang Snatches
Snatch Pulls
Front squats
Power Cleans
Push Presses

65pds x 5 reps x per exercise

Clean and Presses
Hang Cleans
Front squats
Bent rows

75pds x 5 reps x per exercise
Dumbell Curls x Ladders x 30pds
(5,4,3,2,1 ) x 2 rounds total x 30 reps
(10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,) x 1 round x 79 reps
total x 109 reps

Tricep Pressdowns ( on knees) 100pds
Same as above.

Taking things slow. Recovering from bad sinsus infection.
Treadmill Run x 1 mile
Sauna x 10 min

Still have rough Sinsus infection, so taking it easy.
Starting to feel better from my sinsus infection, so did a workout today.

4 30pm

Deadlifts x Ladders x 185pds
12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps x 78 reps
3,2,1 rep x 6 reps
Total x 84 reps x 25 min

Totally miscounted my reps for some reason? Wanted 100 reps today. Huh well, next time.

10 30pm 1 mile run

10am Clubbells

Swings 20x5
Clean to order 20x5
Clean to shoulder Park 20x5
Swipe 20x5
Snatch 20x5
Forward/Back Pendulum 20x5/5
In/Outward Pendulum 15x5/5
Lunge 20x5
Front/Back/Side Circles 20x5/5/5/5
Bottom up press 15x5
Forward Leverage Press 15x5
Lateral Leverage press 15x5
Wrist Cast 15x5
Armpit cast 15x5
shoulder cast 15x5
head cast 15x5
shield cast 15x5


Chinups ( 1 small towell around bar )
5,4,3,2,1 reps BW+10pds
Singles x BW+ 15/BW/5/BW/10/BW/15pds

10 30pm Outside 1 mile run.