Dumbbell bench x Barbell bench

Both used concurrently.
Was going to say exactly the same thing.

So instead I'll add;

The DB bench is best done at a moderate incline.

It's critical to be honest with your ability and do full ROM, both pausing on chest and extending to full lockout.
In the long run the push off the chest and DB's in general will priortise chest strength more so. (It's not brain surgery)
Add an extra exercise of your own choice to boost triceps at that point, around thetime you can rep 1.5bw full ROM.
Also just plain squeeze your triceps hard during pressing , it makes all the difference.

Aside from benching do chinups, deadlifts and if you want - some curls.
D-bell Bench + B-bell Bench + “supplements” = Scoobyesque Pecs
