Dr. Oz says Cancel Breakfast, don't eat it, Mark Wahlberg begs to differ

Haven’t had it regularly, in bout a year, due to time restricted eating. Plus I feel much better not wanting to take a nap after I chow down in morning.

There’s a few diners next door to where I live. Last weekend, after a night out; I had breakfast and my go to favorite at the cafe downstairs: smoked salmon omelette with Gouda cheese.

I do miss having 5 eggs and 10 strips of bacon every morning in my own kitchen.
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The opposite of fasting is slowing. Breakfast should be called stayslow. Increase in cognitive sharpness and a more powerful immune system are a couple of fascinating fasting effects. Counterintuitive on first look but makes perfect sense on closer inspection.
I almost always go to bed hungry at night, so when I wake up I'm fucking starving and want food almost immediately. My wife is the opposite and she won't eat until lunch and it blows my mind. Stick with what works for you and eat when you're hungry rather than on a time schedule.
I don't eat breakfast for 10 years now. And if you eat breakfast, by far the best is fruit. Breakfast should be light.
I skip breakfast Mon-Sat when I intermittent fast and I definitely have significantly more energy than I do on Sunday when I indulge in breakfast

Your body releases HGH during sleep, so your body naturally has the energy it needs when you wake up. Eating breakfast and spiking your insulin levels basically just reverses everything your body was doing for you while you were sleeping
Yep, the "but I'm hungry at breakfast" is the first thing you'll get hit with when talking to anyone about this which at this point I usually don't engage people about it anymore as it's pointless trying to explain as they won't listen that they are not special genetic snowflakes that are biologically require to eat when they get up. Ghrelin causes hunger pains and a combination of simple carbs meals and frequency has this running like clockwork everyday so they think they need food but it's just stomach acids attacking the lining of the stomach because it's conditioned for food to be there.
People get conditioned to spiking their insulin levels at the very beginning of their day, and from that point on they're gonna be craving that elevated insulin level throughout the rest of the day. It's almost like an addictive drug. On the days when I 20/4 fast I can go to late evening without even thinking about food -- you just have to get used to it, it takes about a week -- but on my Sunday cheat day when I eat breakfast all I want to do is snack all day

The fact is you can skip breakfast AND lunch and you'll be perfectly fine energy and performance wise, both physically and mentally. On my intense gym days that's exactly what I do and I have noticeably greater strength and stamina when I eat literally nothing until after my evening workout
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I don’t eat breakfast with regularity. If I do it’s small and I will eat my largest meal at lunch and depending on how hungry I am will alter my portions for dinner especially if it ends up being later or closer to bed time.
Remember all those sitcoms back in the day where it’s supposed to be just some random morning and there’s a full spread breakfast on the kitchen table? Plate of bacon, sausage, stack of pancakes, pitcher of OJ. The dad is sitting there reading the newspaper and drinking a coffee then the kids come rushing down and each grab a piece of bacon and then take off because they’re gonna miss the school bus. What a waste.
The opposite of fasting is slowing. Breakfast should be called stayslow. Increase in cognitive sharpness and a more powerful immune system are a couple of fascinating fasting effects. Counterintuitive on first look but makes perfect sense on closer inspection.
For example, intermittent fasting results in increased production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which increases the resistance of neurons in the brain to dysfunction and degeneration in animal models of neurodegenerative disorders; BDNF signaling may also mediate beneficial effects of intermittent fasting on glucose regulation and cardiovascular function. A better understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms by which meal size and frequency affect human health may lead to novel approaches for disease prevention and treatment.

Here's an article that summarizes the benefits with sourced links to scientific studies:

Let me just say that Mark Wahlberg probably does steroids, so his dietary knowledge may not be what it seems. I’m pretty sure if you juice, and work out a lot, you can get away with eating more.
I usually wake up and workout without eating. It’s not smart though. You can work out much harder if you eat the right foods first. Fruits are really good for this. I just don’t have an appetite in the morning.

I usually shower and then eat breakfast though. That’s stupid if you aren’t refueling for a workout. These are things that are known. If he’s contradicting any of that then ignore him

It doesn't really work that way for me.

I do a power-lifting routine in the morning. I normally do it without eating beforehand, but sometimes eat a couple of apples or oranges first, and I don't notice any difference strength wise.

If I eat a big meal before working out sometimes I'll feel really strong at the beginning of a workout, but it's usually followed with a motivation killing sluggishness that kicks in before I've finished my routine.
I wake up at 5:15 but usually don't eat "breakfast" till around 8 am. I don't think I could hold off till 1 pm for lunch.
My breakfast usually consists of Fruits and a protein rich omelette. or Ill have some bean and cheese with tortillas.

Ill usually eat a banana, apple, some blue berries an avocado on toast an omelette with roasted sliced bell peppers and onions grilled and some cheese, with warm lemon honey water.