Opinion Doormat Spending Proposals: 97.5 Trillion


Dec 17, 2014
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....not incorporating current spending...*additional...that’s 79% of the GDP spent on government programs...

Plenty of articles in the last months have calculated doormats spending proposals up to 97.5 Trillion over the next 10 years...effectively tripling the budget over the same amount of time.

How do you fellas feel about that? Particularly those who care so much about the deficit? Do you actually thinks this will come from taxing billionaires and millionaires? hehe, cmon now. The legislative and policy change battle would outlive him.

Politically I think the media miscalculated big time. They didn’t touch on this fact with average Americans and now that doormat gained traction it will be Republicans and Trump that make the best use of these figures. Now we don’t really get a feel from voters about the elephant in the room: that doormat is an octogenarian fake communist who promises impossibilities

If you have ever had to deal with anything to do with the government you know there’s no such thing as a calculation. Whatever number doormat quotes will be multiplied...this is why he doesn’t like to get into specifics. Lieawatha made this mistake and she’s faded because of it. Doormat can only fake it till he makes it for so long

None of this takes into account that the fact that he wants healthcare for illegals and open borders. Well there seems to be a little trouble in socialist paradise over that at the moment..


Your calculations dont factor that the price of healthcare will go down once the government regulates it and collectively bargains. That's why average healthcare costs are so much lower in any other developed nation

I would not mind bernie dragging you guys, kicking and screaming, to a more prosperous life
Not everyone should start threads .
Your calculations dont factor that the price of healthcare will go down once the government regulates it and collectively bargains. That's why average healthcare costs are so much lower in any other developed nation

I would not mind bernie dragging you guys, kicking and screaming, to a more prosperous life

Yah, one small problem with that. Medical providers can still charge whatever they want for services. If your insurance doesn't cover it all, you are on the hook for whats left. Just because the government is the one negotiating won't change that fact.
Yah, one small problem with that. Medical providers can still charge whatever they want for services. If your insurance doesn't cover it all, you are on the hook for whats left. Just because the government is the one negotiating won't change that fact.

True, just because it works vastly better for everyone else doesn't mean it will work for you.
Your calculations dont factor that the price of healthcare will go down once the government regulates it and collectively bargains. That's why average healthcare costs are so much lower in any other developed nation

I would not mind bernie dragging you guys, kicking and screaming, to a more prosperous life

He will drag us kicking and screaming to a shitty economy that’s for sure. I didn’t even touch on healthcare either. His plans grow more expensive everyday...green new deals, canceling students loans, free houses..free free free

Not everyone should start threads .

Don’t be salty about it emotional crow
So if student loans are forgiven, that should make college free for everyone right? Why should someone have 40k in student loan debt erased but I cant go to school for free? Thats just one example of why his plans dont work or make sense. If someone gets a free house next to my 600k house, isnt that going to lower my value? Wheres my free house?

People really dont tend to actually think things through. Bernie has some OK ideas but the government isnt the one to implement them. Or at least well.
So if student loans are forgiven, that should make college free for everyone right? Why should someone have 40k in student loan debt erased but I cant go to school for free? Thats just one example of why his plans dont work or make sense. If someone gets a free house next to my 600k house, isnt that going to lower my value? Wheres my free house?

People really dont tend to actually think things through. Bernie has some OK ideas but the government isnt the one to implement them. Or at least well.
State college would be free according to Bernie , the real issue is the poor schmuck who just finished paying off his student loans .
So if student loans are forgiven, that should make college free for everyone right? Why should someone have 40k in student loan debt erased but I cant go to school for free? Thats just one example of why his plans dont work or make sense. If someone gets a free house next to my 600k house, isnt that going to lower my value? Wheres my free house?

People really dont tend to actually think things through. Bernie has some OK ideas but the government isnt the one to implement them. Or at least well.

I’m in the health industry and I have to work with other physicians and multiple insurances....people who want more government in health care would hate it within the first year. Quality across the board goes down and you force people into a system that’s truthfully run by the most incompetent people imaginable...run around after runaround

Not many people want to face the actual truth here. They would rather live up in the clouds with democratic socialist dreams I guess
Your calculations dont factor that the price of healthcare will go down once the government regulates it and collectively bargains. That's why average healthcare costs are so much lower in any other developed nation

I would not mind bernie dragging you guys, kicking and screaming, to a more prosperous life
He should start by dragging a comb through his hair, the rest can come never.
None of this takes into account that the fact that he wants healthcare for illegals and open borders. Well there seems to be a little trouble in socialist paradise over that at the moment..

Lying on the interweb, can you believe it, folks?

Lying on the interweb, can you believe it, folks?

Yeahhh so you’re telling me that she guevara who he invited to speak at one of his “rallies”....who said to his followers we need to abolish ICE and CBP....you’re telling me he let’s people talk at his rallies who he doesn’t agree with? Or is he a doormat who flip flops? Hmmmm
I like how nobody is debating the numbers substantively
I like how nobody is debating the numbers substantively

That’s cause when you look at the numbers you realize you aren’t part of some glorious “revolution”...your worldview shatters and you say stuff like “not everyone can make threads” is normal

Ever wonder why it’s young naive kids shilling for doormat and never a guy with a construction helmet on? Working class my ass haha. They call this economy the blue collar economy...wonder why that is?
We should all be happy the resident idiot isn't just starting threads with gifs of Goofy and going "LOL, goof troop, amirite?!"
We should all be happy the resident idiot isn't just starting threads with gifs of Goofy and going "LOL, goof troop, amirite?!"

Seriously I’m so glad you goofs hide on a little corner of the internet and don’t represent much
I've always been baffled at how Bernie bots think that expanding the Gov on a massive scale is something to be applauded...
Seriously I’m so glad you goofs hide on a little corner of the internet and don’t represent much
We represent far more of America than you oddities. The GOP needs to gerrymander the fuck out of the nation to even get you to keep voting their asses into office in order to fuck yours. Even then, their old white demo is literally dying off.

And red states can't run a budget, so blue states have to subsidize them. LOL