Donald Trump Celebrates Leif Erickson Day

Classic edgy hipster bullshit. America was a discovery for the Europeans who where the most advanced civilization back then. History is always from the perspective of those writing it. Not uncultured cave dwellers but I guess it goes against your narative. Or you just lacks intelligence.
"You just lacks intelligence." I love it. In a post that includes a misspelling, a sentence fragment and number disagreement.

Still, some points to respond to: History is not always written from the perspective of those writing it; the modern, academic discipline of history is largely about using material evidence and primary sources to deconstruct unconscious narratives and provide multidimensional understandings of historical events and trends.

That's why low brows (probably like yourself) despise it; it shines light on unconsciously held ideologies and biases. So you howl about how the academy is infiltrated by liberals, because God-forbid someone point out the limitations of our long-held beliefs.

Just think of how stupid that attitude would be in the hard sciences: Oh, no, you can't use new evidence to reach new understandings and challenge traditional paradigms... that would be.... progressive hipster bullshit!

In sum: Eat my shorts.
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"You just lacks intelligence." I love it. In a post that includes a misspelling, a sentence fragment and number disagreement.

Still, some points to respond to: History is not always written from the perspective of those writing it; the modern, academic discipline of history is largely about using archaeological evidence and primary sources to deconstruct unconscious narratives and provide multidimensional understandings of historical events and moments.

That's why low brows (probably like yourself) despise it; it shines light on unconsciously held ideologies and biases. So you howl about how academics is infiltrated by liberals, because God-forbid someone point out the limitations of our long-held beliefs.

Just think of how stupid that attitude would be in the hard sciences: Oh, no, you can't use new evidence to reach new understandings and challenge traditional paradigms... that would be.... progressive hipster bullshit!

In sum: Eat my shorts.
LOL at this wall of bullshit. Troll on sucker.
Sailing from Iceland to Vinland in a fucking Viking ship is pretty damn insane.

Welcome to America


The whole history of the Vikings in North America is pretty crazy, especially how no one in Europe really cared about their 'discovery' because they were all seen as backwards pagan savages and invaders.
The Spaniards’ atrocities were sufficiently heartless to shock some their own and give rise to the “Black Legend.”

brutal -- but, spainards had written words to convey that history which amplifies the cruelty compared to others. Since the natives didnt have that documentation its harder to compare but their "recordings" doesnt scream compassion. This is how they took to their slaves

That all hell broke loose when Thorvald showed up.

there's this famous manga/anime all about this shit - Vinland Sage I'm not at all keen with how true the series is respective to the actual timeline of events & figures/parties involved, but I have seen some clips with Thorvald. naturally they exaggerate things to give it that over the top anime cheese, so I can't really get into shit like that. from that alone I just assumed it was an anime flavored altering of viking history with no real substance but it does look like there is some structure involved that does honor these crazy motherfuckers & their accolades.
No way I’m reading all that TS. Why should I care?

hey man, we've all fallen into this bullshit trap many a time - the audacity possessed by these assholes, expecting us to read when we click their threads. the way you just stood up to this bullshit, fucking finally man. you are the voice of the people.

making threads about things we know nothing about, expressing opinions & interests different from our own. what the fuck are they expecting from us when we click on these threads? just to waste our precious time & this is without question a collaborated effort to attack those of us who know better.. that fucking infuriates me, but you just showed how exactly to handle this fucking ongoing crisis. this is worse than clickbait threads. mods step up otherwise you're part of the problem.

hey man, we've all fallen into this bullshit trap many a time - the audacity possessed by these assholes, expecting us to read when we click their threads. the way you just stood up to this bullshit, fucking finally man. you are the voice of the people.

making threads about things we know nothing about, expressing opinions & interests different from our own. what the fuck are they expecting from us when we click on these threads? just to waste our precious time & this is without question a collaborated effort to attack those of us who know better.. that fucking infuriates me, but you just showed how exactly to handle this fucking ongoing crisis. this is worse than clickbait threads. mods step up otherwise you're part of the problem.


I heard viagra is great for male impotence. but it looks like your dicktucking is the real problem here. my condolences.

If you want to answer the question for TS of why I should care, then maybe I’ll be interested enough to read your drivel. Until then you can fuck off.
brutal -- but, spainards had written words to convey that history which amplifies the cruelty compared to others. Since the natives didnt have that documentation its harder to compare but their "recordings" doesnt scream compassion. This is how they took to their slaves

I mean these were essentially Stone Age tribes. They were horrific. Terrible in every way. So as abysmally bad as colonial fucks were....
If you want to answer the question for TS of why I should care, then maybe I’ll be interested enough to read your drivel. Until then you can fuck off.

is English your second language?