Donald Cerrone Apologies For Homophobic Comments Via Instagram


Gold Belt
Dec 15, 2010
Reaction score
Another mod edit: Cerrone using a slur does NOT give posters a license to call other posters or fighters slurs, period.

That was quick.
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Lol wearing that new UFC store shirt is too perfect. This isnt the first time Cerrone let a homophobic slur loose and it probably won't be the last.
Didn't he also refer to Khabib as a terrorist few weeks back?

drunken words are sober thoughts buddeh.
excellent welcoming for the event when an lgbt fighter won the championship
He called Daniel Cormier a :eek::eek::eek:.

They'd cut 90% of the roster over that. More Dana favoritism at work.
He ain't no cowboy anymore
excellent welcoming for the event when an lgbt fighter won the championship

I know. And at the end of post fight press conference didn't the UFC say they're doing something new for the LBGT community?
The old "well I have a black friend" excuse, smart man.
Well he coulda said he fought like a girl but at least the ladies did fight....