does this sound bad for shoulders?


Green Belt
Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
"rear hang" This position looks nearly identical to the dead hang, except that you have just rolled backwards, so your arms are getting pulled behind you. To reach a true rear hang, your body should be straight, toes pointed to the floor and you should be looking straight ahead
Pulling a mucsle sounds bad for a shoulder. SO does popping/desplacing joints.

Do these things happen when you train this exercise?
never, and i have never heard a case where it has happened, i am in mens gymnastics and this becomes a common position on the rings...ty for the reply, all other replys are welcome
Nope, not bad at all. I was also a gymnast and I got to the point of shoulder flexibility where I could do a inlocate from a dead hang. The shoulder flexibility has never hurt me, and actually helped me in grappling, as it is hard to submit me in certain positions.

Its weird that you ask, get an answer that you don't like, then respond with what you think. Why did you ask then if you know?
well i was saying that i had never heard of a case of pulled muscles or anything, but i still didn't know if maybe long term it could grind on the rotator cuffs or something...did you compete as a gymnast?...i don't compete, i just do it a few times a week cuz i think its alot of fun and it works pretty well for staying in shape, but i still lift and train for MMA
btw...nice job on the inlocate from dead hang, that almost seems painful to do