Does life get better?

Life is as good or bad as you make it. There are third world cities that are happy and all smiles, and first world cities where everyone is all dejected and professional victims.
How do you “make sure” you have purpose though? If everyone knew how to do that, I think everyone would be awesome.

Well it's a moving target. At 20 it's different than 30 or 40. You gotta do stuff that gives you self esteem and personal value while making you improve. It's the things that you enjoy that also develop you in some way. For me it was drawing, then guitar, then martial arts, then boxing, and so, a career, a wife, kids are all "meaning things" but are not just for me, but other people too. You should never only have one thing to go to. You should have a couple things because they round you out.

I dunno, just go out and experience things that make you realize new and better things about yourself and life in general.

You can't be given meaning as authentically as you can have someone discover it in relation to who they are at a given time in their life.

People that don't believe in themselves, or have low self-efficacy can be afraid to strike out into new things/frontiers. It's hard to be awesome (your word) if you don't believe in your ability to figure things out.

You can't have the pursuit of meaning without desire and conviction.

You can't act these things out without time, opportunity, freedom, and a reasonable means (money, for example, to pay for guitar lessons and a guitar).
Not in my experience. But still better than the alternative.
Yep. You laugh at crap that used to bother you, and the young'uns go apeshit over stupid stuff like that.
Nope infact it gets progressively Worse .well mine does anyway. I honestly cant take much more
whoa you are forgetting about the post nut cuddle session....
Banned? RIP. But who are you cuddling with after a nut? I have to put my stuffed animals in the closet, they are disgusted.
It all depends on how you see it. I choose to see the better things in life over the worse things. You could sit on your butt all day bitching and complaining or you could get up and enjoy life. Very simple.

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