Does a ranked UFC fighter have enough power to KO an average person at the bottom of a pool?

King Pun**

Blue Belt
May 9, 2010
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Say both you and the fighter are being temporarily held at the bottom of a olympic swimming pool. Does a fighter have enough of the force to resist the water and get the KO?
Does a ranked UFC fighter have enough power to KO an average person at the bottom of a pool?


That's surprisingly actually better than most threads here.

No you can't KO an average person under the water.
What if it was a silverback gorilla vs the top 10 lightweights underwater?
Maybe if they grabbed the back of the persons head at the same time? Theyd both drown first. <45>
Never seen anyone fill a pool full of uppercuts but itd be fun to watch.
I would think no. The water would not just slow down the punch but also help the intended have an iron jaw.
Say both you and the fighter are being temporarily held at the bottom of a olympic swimming pool. Does a fighter have enough of the force to resist the water and get the KO?
I would fuck up a striker in the bottom of a pool. I’ve got those surfer lungs and am a great swimmer. A grappler gets me tho