Doctor's Office Hacks


Gold Belt
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
If you've ever had to wait in the patient lobby for an hour to a lifetime, here's a proven hack to get you in the door faster.

Stop by the gas station before you go to the office and spill gasoline on your shoes.
Now I don't know about y'all but I'm not that careless or sloppy about getting my shoes wet at the gas station, so I recommend pouring gasoline on a hankerchief and seal it in a cheap microwavable container.

The smell of gasoline would cause the front office secretaries to go insane and they will literally do something about it!
So far I've seen this hack used two times on different visits by two different guys, and both patients jumped the queue from #50 or #32 to #1 in a matter of 10 minutes.
This hack might work in hospitals and quite possibly the DMV.
You never know!
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In my experience, I've always been rushed to the front of the line based on my good looks and by being charming.

What's it like to be homely?
To get ahead try and have a more serious medical complaint.

Drs are known to prioritise more serious problems.
If you've ever had to wait in the patient lobby for an hour to a lifetime, here's a proven hack to get you in the door faster.

Stop by the gas station before you go to the office and spill gasoline on your shoes.
Now I don't know about y'all but I'm not that careless or sloppy about getting my shoes wet at the gas station, so I recommend pouring gasoline on a hankerchief and seal it in a cheap microwavable container.

The smell of gasoline would cause the front office secretaries to go insane and they will literally do something about it!
So far I've seen this hack used two times on different visits by two different guys, and both patients jumped the que from #50 or #32 to #1 in a matter of 10 minutes.
This hack might work in hospitals and quite possibly the DMV.
You never know!

That's retarded.

That shit is poisonous and if you can smell it you are breathing it in.

Have some respect for your own health even if you think polluting a waiting room is a good idea.
If you drink the gasoline they'll rush you right to the emergency room
set the handkerchief on fire in your pants.

Thanks in advance

EVERY patient ever.
Why would there be 50 people waiting in a doctors office?
The easiest thing to do is go at the time you're scheduled. I take my tablet with a book downloaded and read. Time passes quickly.
They won't bother determining the source and will continue to breathe it in and not give a shit about others breathing it too.
I had a pretty good ER hack when my kidneys and liver were shutting down. I took a bottle of water and a bucket to the reception desk and told them something is seriously wrong with me. They handed me some paperwork on a clipboard then said ok take a seat and fill this shit out. So I chugged the water and instantly vomited syrupy black blood into the bucket. Everyone freaked the fuck out and before I could blink they rushed me into a wheelchair and ran my ass into the ER, 5-10 mins later I was in the ICU and out like a light

So far I've seen this hack used two times on different visits by two different guys, and both patients jumped the queue from #50 or #32 to #1 in a matter of 10 minutes.
This hack might work in hospitals and quite possibly the DMV.

50 people waiting???
Where the fuck are you going to the doctor?
The ER right after a terrorist attack?
don’t forget to light a match. being on fire will instantly put you in the front of the line.
This might be an even dumber idea than stealing gas from a Mexican pipeline.