Do you wish people Merry Christmas?

I voted yes before I read the OP.
That said, I don't walk past random people wishing them merry christmas. However if I'm interacting with them in some way (shopping, taxi, bar etc) I'll say thanks as always and wish them a merry christmas and happy new year. It's nice to be nice.
Christmas isn't that big of a thing here and even less to me. I like the whole decoration, movies and songs and stuff. But a 'good day' is as useful to wish someone as a 'merry Christmas'.

Maybe I'll wish someone a 'merry Christmas', but probably not a stranger.
I voted yes before I read the OP.
That said, I don't walk past random people wishing them merry christmas. However if I'm interacting with them in some way (shopping, taxi, bar etc) I'll say thanks as always and wish them a merry christmas and happy new year. It's nice to be nice.

Busted. You are a serial random Christmas well wisher.
Only do it to women, not men. It's not because I'm trying chat them up, I'm just friendly.

The reason I don't do it to men is because you never know with men, they could start a fight with you! ...looks can be deceiving too.

Somehow Merry Christmas gets confused with Fuck Off.
Yes. I wish peace on earth and goodwill among men and women.
I do. And we don't have any War on Christmas controversy to worry about either, because we call it "Jul" (Yule) which is the same name as the pre-Christian festival used to have. So no reservations - two barrels of merry seasonal greetings, point-blank to the face.

The second barrel is New Years.
Depends on my mood, but I will just as a pleasantry. I don't really think much of it, its just something to say this time of year, and I do celebrate Christmas with my family. I don't understand why someone would take offense to it, as it is just a sentiment. I've never had a problem saying it to anyone, and I doubt I ever will.
I got yelled at when I wished a merry x mass to some people, they said it was politically incorrect. What is going on??
Vegas a few years ago people were all happy holidays and I really wanted someone to say merry christmas. it's a time of happiness and regardless of the religion thing I like it for that reason.

Merry Christmas, babe.
Yes. But I also say Happy Holidays when I'm not sure if they're Jewish or Muslim, or Satanic, etc.

Whats more annoying than anything is when you say "Merry Christmas" and you have to listen to some bullshit monologue about how appreciative they are that I say "Merry Christmas" instead of Happy Holidays, like its a big deal and I have the time to listen to their bullshit.

At that point I usually want to say "Fuck Off".
I don't but I don't hate doing it

Merry Christmas, dicks
I am so tired of trying to be pc and not offending anyone.

I quit saying "Happy Holidays". That is just plain stupid to me.

I say Merry Christmas to everyone. I don't care what religion or beliefs they have. If they don't like it, they can go f' themselves.
Not usually, and if I do I make sure to say Happy Holidays because they might not be Christian.