Do you think we get wiser with age?


Douchey Mc Douche
Dec 7, 2002
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One of the common adages you hear is that with age, comes wisdom.

I routinely find myself saying "If I had had known then, what I know now....", but in reality, I'm not entirely sure I am any wiser in my 30s, than I was as a young man.

While I certainly have more life experience, it seems that it is always difficult to look at a situation impartially, regardless of age. So while I can give young people some really great advice, when it comes to myself, I find that I simply repeat the same mistakes (and arguably, with even much weightier consequenes).

For some of the older guys out there, would you say that age has brought you wisdom?
Experience>age imo makes someone wiser.

Age can bring experience though, but it typically depends on the individual
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You gain experience and COMMON SENSE...that equals wisdom.
Some people are level-headed at a young age and some people will always be dipshits. Getting older doesn't work miracles on most people.

Experience definitely allows better insight into most situations, though. I think most individuals become better at seeing how different life scenarios are likely to play out as they grow older. I would call that wisdom. So, my answer is yes.

Imo being wise means you know the right answer. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have the self-control to do it. The wise old man in a story usually isn't the hero.
Some do, some don't as witnessed by the number of septuagenarians involved in thin ice incidents this year.
I'm sure there's a strong correlation between age and wisdom, but it is not a direct cause-and-effect relationship. In this context, I would interpret age as being synomous with life experience. And unfortunately, not all learn from their life experiences(to a degree, I am in that category).
Wisdom comes from understanding. Age alone doesn't grant you that.
Honestly I think any increase in so-called wisdom has more to to with developments in a person's understanding of their own social and environmental context.

As people get older they tend to wedge themselves into stable social communities and settle into their own values. As their participation in those communities and values increases, so does their understanding of the subtle mechanics behind how those realms operate. The language that represents this understanding becomes the wisdom of the next generation.

While this understanding is a key component of the adult narrative, it also comes at the expense of the more exploratory open-mindedness of youth, which certainly generates its own wisdom but in a more risky and impermanent manner.
There is hindsight, but also if one acts in favor of wisdom when younger, the fruits manifest. There is no reaping without sowing.
Not true.

You get wise with experience, and that's different than age.

If age by itself was the trigger to get wise, old and cranky persons would not exist.
Not necessarily . There is a Bill Burr bit about how just because he is old people assume he knows shit
Wisdom is a product of man's experience and his reflection on it. The more you go through in life and the more intelligent and contemplative you are, the more likely it is that you'll achieve wisdom. But, it should be noted that every wise truth you ever heard or will hear is conditional, meaning that it has weight only under proper circumstances.
No, absolutely not. Some people do, some people don't. Age can be meaningless when it comes to wisdom. I've met absolute fools in their 50's and brilliant young people in their 20's, and of course I've seen plenty of the reverse.
Personally speaking.

Like someone said its not just experience but ability to perceive and analyse.

Some dumb fucks never learn, always trying to ice skate uphill.
Sometimes. I feel like I have.

I hear what some are saying about experience being more valuable than age, and I understand that. But I do think that simple TIME can teach people so much. That pain goes away, that things change, that people go away and never come back, that the sun still rises, that some things are invariably cyclical. You can be told these things but to see them pass over decades makes you understand them on a very deep level. For example: people all have the same amount in them; you aren't the best, strongest or most special anything; everyone is trying their best with what they have, even if their best is atrocious to you.

IMO time teaches these things.
I know so many people that says life is over after 30.
depends on the person. some people are blockheads tho, and that wont ever change.