Do you sneeze when exposed to bright lights?


Titanium Belt
Platinum Member
Feb 1, 2009
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I have noticed since I was 4 that bright lights would cause me to sneeze. I was wondering if it was just me. I ran across this article today.
Reflexive sneezing induced by light, and sunlight in particular, is estimated to occur in 18 to 35 percent of the population and is known as the photic sneeze reflex (PSR) or the ACHOO (autosomal dominant compulsive helio-ophthalmic outbursts of sneezing) syndrome. Its genetic nature has been known for at least the last 25 years; it is periodically discussed in the medical literature and lay press.

18 to 35 percent seems to be a wide range.

Does a bright light make you sneeze?
no . but when i feel like i have to sneeze i look at a light to make myself
Dude no

I think you might be broke
Every time I look towards the sun I sneeze.
no, but they say looking into a bright light will help you sneeze when you feel one coming on

I sneeze when i first walk outside during a sunny day

Happens all the time
Yes. If I feel a sneeze coming on and it wont come out, I just look at the lights and bam!
I've found every time i pour pepper up my nostrils i sneeze. I told a doctor about this condition and he said he didn't have a clue what was causing the sneezing.
I have noticed since I was 4 that bright lights would cause me to sneeze. I was wondering if it was just me. I ran across this article today.

18 to 35 percent seems to be a wide range.

Does a bright light make you sneeze?


I’ve always been able to look up towards the sun and sneeze, I thought I was the only one lol
Yes, I do. I thought it was the same for everyone until I looked it up a few years ago. Turns out, only a small percentage of the population experience this.

So it's like a special power. I always end up with the whack ass special powers....
No, when I'm exposed to bright lights I normally pull my trousers up and raise my hands in the air as the nice police officer tells me.
Most of the time and I also looked this up years ago.