Elections Do you see any possible scenario where Trump wins in 2020?

I think it will be different than the 2016 election, in that progressives on the left will vote for whoever is running against Trump. In 2016 it meant voting for Hilary and for many that was a pill too hard to swallow (I'm not American, but it makes me gag just thinking about having to vote for Hilary). After 4 years of Trump's bullshit, even the most progressive on the left will get out and vote for Biden.
I can see Trump easily winning as long the economics don't dip too hard I see he gets the vote.
Yes, there are many possible scenarios and a very good chance. Trump's core support lies with a very reliable group, old white people, and he and his party are completely and utterly unrestricted by honesty, intellectual consistency, or policy coherency, so he'll once again get a much, much wider berth in what is acceptable for him.

His electoral vote share could be anywhere from 207 to 312 by my count
It's laughable that you say his his voters aren't restricted by honesty when the dams have been lying about Russian collusion for two and a half years and lying about Judge Kavanaugh ever since the hearing and lying about everything else that they can you people just don't get it
It's laughable that you say his his voters aren't restricted by honesty when the dams have been lying about Russian collusion for two and a half years and lying about Judge Kavanaugh ever since the hearing and lying about everything else that they can you people just don't get it

Thank you for presenting an important caveat to my point: some Republicans simply cannot tell the difference between a lie and something they wish not to be true.
Thank you for presenting an important caveat to my point: some Republicans simply cannot tell the difference between a lie and something they wish not to be true.
So you're both a communist and delusional great life choices
It's being reported that Trump thinks he has the best chance against Biden and the worst against Bernie, and I agree. Biden's brain is melting right now. He's always been a gaffe machine and it's only getting worse. He's telling tall tales about "bad dudes" with names like "Corn Pop" now. Not sure why he thought that was a good idea. Biden could have wrapped this thing up already if he could have stayed on script, but he just can't get out of his own way.