Just thought I would tell this story here...I have a friend, shes probably in her late 30s early 40s now...well she told me she used to be an ultra super fan of the New Kids on the Block and her favorite was Donnie Wahlberg.... well I dont know how, and I didnt want to ask because Im sure there were some nasty details there, but she developed a friendship with Donnie Wahlberg, she says they used to stay in touch from time to time and in one ocassion she was with Donnie Wahlberg when big brother was going to take his little brother Marky out of jail...she told me she rode in the car with Donnie went to jail and in the back went in Marky just fresh out of jail.... she told me "he looked NOTHING like he looks today...and the way he spoke...OMG" meaning like he looked like a getto kid with no education.
She is a nice person with a good job, shes married nowadays and everybody in the office where she works at likes her, she doesnt look like much nowadays but yeah I could believe a long time ago she was kinda hot, she doesnt have a history of lying or craziness so to be honest I believe her story