Do You Like Mark Wahlberg?


Saturdays are for the Boys
Feb 8, 2015
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I feel like he's a good actor but his talents are wasted on crappy movies. At his best he can do good work in both comedy and dramas but he chooses to star in terrible movies where he is stuck playing Mark Wahlberg.
I like him, he is one of those horrible actors that dont annoy me for some reason.
He's great. Basketball Diaries, The Departed, The Big Hit...... He has some great films
He's good. He's a whore though, and takes any shitty script he's given.
Just thought I would tell this story here...I have a friend, shes probably in her late 30s early 40s now...well she told me she used to be an ultra super fan of the New Kids on the Block and her favorite was Donnie Wahlberg.... well I dont know how, and I didnt want to ask because Im sure there were some nasty details there, but she developed a friendship with Donnie Wahlberg, she says they used to stay in touch from time to time and in one ocassion she was with Donnie Wahlberg when big brother was going to take his little brother Marky out of jail...she told me she rode in the car with Donnie went to jail and in the back went in Marky just fresh out of jail.... she told me "he looked NOTHING like he looks today...and the way he spoke...OMG" meaning like he looked like a getto kid with no education.

She is a nice person with a good job, shes married nowadays and everybody in the office where she works at likes her, she doesnt look like much nowadays but yeah I could believe a long time ago she was kinda hot, she doesnt have a history of lying or craziness so to be honest I believe her story
I loved him in Bogie Nights

I gotta give the guy credit though. Depahted had this big ensemble cast. DiCaprio. Nicholson. Sheen. Damon. Winstone. Baldwin. Martin Scorsese directing that shit. And the only decent performance in the whole thing was Marky Mark

He beat a Korean man so bad he blinded him and almost killed him.

Racially motivated attack too.

I'm guessing if he did that in this day and age he'd not have a successful career.....

Don't mind him, though he basically peaked early in his career.
Shit actor

Even worser that Di Caprio
I loved him in Bogie Nights

That whole movie was awesome. Wahlberg is actually probably an underrated actor to be honest. There was a point where I would have said, he's good but only when he's in the right role- ie Diggler, Dignam from The Departed, etc.

But lately I've went back on that. He's pretty much consistently good with the occasional weak role or movie. I'll give an example, he did some very solid acting in Patriot's Day, which, to me, was a very impacting film. I also thought he was quite good in the intense Lone Survivor and Deepwater Horizon.

As others have noted above, he can pull off comedy well too as seen in The Other Guys and Ted, among other things.

More than anything, I think he's a good example of someone who turned his life around and you have to respect that he's achieved success in the film industry and is far removed from the horrible shit he did in the past. I think many people deserve a second chance and he made the most of his opportunities.
Marky Mark can suck a dickie.
Dude fucked Julianne Moore
He's my hero
I think hes terrible, the departed was the only movie I liked him in.
He’s a handsome enough gent. If we were in prison together I’d probably mount him.
If I'm ever on a plane and it gets hijacked I hope he's on the same plane because we all know how it would go down if he's on it.

As long as the hijacker is an elderly asian man of course.