Do you like Joanna or Claudia more or less now?

Who do you like more after seeing them on TUF?

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Claudia is definitely growing on me.

She speaks a hell of a lot better English than I thought and she seems quite personable & likable.
I'd still sterilize both of their poop using only my mouth

Same opinion of both
Claudia is very easy on the eyes.
Claudia has won me over.

p.s. haven't watched a single episode this season.
Enjoy Joanna making these sensitive sherdoggers cry like little girls in primary school about bullies. Need some midol for these bitches.
Same opinion of JJ
If anything slightly less of Claudia, hate people that play victim and use the word bully to get support, ur a fecking MMA fighter handle your shit.
I always knew Joanna was like that so it doesn't bother me.

As for Claudia, I like what I see.
They are both meaningless.

Zero opinion on them, whoever they are.
Same opinion on Joanna, was a fan before the show, a fan during and will be a fan after the show.

And I just don't care about Claudia.
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Always been a fan of Joanna and nothing has changed. Claudia has talked a lot of shit a about Joanna the last year but she is a top fighter and they have a good rivalry going which is interesting to follow.

Ive tried watching TUF 23 but the format is so tired and dated it just bores the hell out of me.
Enjoy Claudia making the Sherdog white nights cry like little beta pussies. Need some tissues for these virgins.
Have any of you nerds calculated the success of First Pick vs. First fight choice? I've been curious the more I watch...
never liked JJ ,
so annoying and all the moves and talks are so fake
Did i offend?

No, I'm not offended you think these two people are meaningless.

I found it maddening that you can ignore that you've watched a television show around these two, opened a discussion about them, and joined it and still found motivation to call these two "meaningless", then wondered how great you were doing in life and your career, before starting my breathing Sherdog exercises.