Do you know any compulsive liars?

I never wished this person harm but I thought that when the occasional space debris falls to Earth that if it has to land somewhere, and it has to land on land not water, and if she happened to be getting her mail out of her mailbox, at the exact same time when the space debris fell to Earth...

Well. Now I would like more details about her. What'd she lie about?
Well. Now I would like more details about her. What'd she lie about?

This... I'm interested as well.

I'm gonna throw out a wild guess and say it was an Ex of some nature, lol.

Bring on the details, Peyton!
This... I'm interested as well.

I'm gonna throw out a wild guess and say it was an Ex of some nature, lol.

Bring on the details, Peyton!

I think mother or mother in law. The Alzheimer's suggests old. No?
I think mother or mother in law. The Alzheimer's suggests old. No?

He said earlier in another thread he was pretty old himself, though. But you could be right... Plus, I can't imagine wishing for space junk to hit my mother, though there were times I wished my ex would have been in the path of a falling satellite or something. To me, all signs point to Ex-girlfriend or wife.

But I'm really interested to know now.
Some of the lies are too painful to even discuss and actually would have made her happy to know that I'm spreading the lie for her because unless you have been the victim of lies you do not know the energy it takes to counter lies with the truth and that few people care as much as the victim to listen to the explanations. Finally, many people think "there must be some truth in it." No, there doesn't have to be.

I'll mention a few trying to keep it somewhat light and one story per post.
This guy I work with in security. He thinks he's God's gift to mankind. He loves to tell crazy stories where he knows way more then could possibly be known. Like its a movie and he's quoting conversations that happened behind closed doors lol. Dudes a big guy and stands way too fucking close making direct eye contact the entire time. The combination of his bullshit and presence is literally nauseating
Knew a girl who told me she drank sixty shots at a party, then when she got home her brothers had to pour Lysol down her throat and push on her stomach so she would puke it up. The biggest lie there is she doesn't even have brothers

Are you sure she meant family? Or like yno... brothers?

And on that note are you sure she meant Lysol the cleaner, or Lysol?

I know a girl who's lied about everything from who shes dating, to her boyfriend abusing her, and being pregnant. Even took the pregnancy one as far as shopping her ultrasound of a previous kid to make it seem like it was recent.
The first lie that I am aware of is in the early 1960's when she was in high school she knew that one of her classmates, female, would be having her appendix taken out. She found out apparently during a school vacation. The classmate was going to miss the first three or four days of school for the appendix surgery. Our liar realized that she was the only girl in a class of 75 people to know this information.

She told some of the other girls in the class that the sick classmate was actually in Massachusetts, a nearby state, having an abortion. Again, this was pre-Roe v. Wade at a time when abortion was illegal and unthinkable to most of the town. Being a VERY GOOD LIAR, she also told her classmates that the sick girl was going to use a cover story that she was in a local hospital having her appendix out. the story spread like wildfire.

A few days later when the sick girl returned to school the girls in their catty way asked where she had been. She answered at the local hospital having her appendix out - THE EXPECTED "COVER" STORY. Our liar stayed away from any of the questioning because the gossip mill had worked so well.

The sick woman died within the last few years. There were still probably some people who believed our liar who kept the lie going for decades.
Our liar had a neighbor who was elderly, when our liar was about 50, and when the elderly lady's husband died, she claimed to be taking over a casserole, being neighborly, to the woman. Upon knocking on the door, there was no answer. She took it upon herself to enter the kitchen to leave the casserole when she CLAIMS that she saw the woman in another room having oral sex performed on her by her dog. The liar took the casserole back home supposedly because she didn't want to embarrass the woman by having the woman realize that someone had been in the house during the sex act; however, she wasn't too embarrassed to tell her husband and a few friends to get the story snowballing.

She was wise enough not to ever name a specific time for this incident because the victim had security cameras running 24 hours a day, which was well known as she was upper-middle class to wealthy, a former town official, and her first husband was a prominent executive in the area until he died. Obviously no casserole could be left because that would pinpoint the date of the supposed event.

A small contingent of people mocked the victim, who was unwitting, and asked her about her lap-dog. She was such a nice woman that she just thought that people loved her dog as much as she did (but not like the liar claimed.)
Who was this woman to you?

Why was she such a disgusting human being? Was it the only way she could feel good about herself? What the shit?
Who was this woman to you?

Why was she such a disgusting human being? Was it the only way she could feel good about herself? What the shit?

That's someone with Borderline Personality Disorder.

No question in my mind...
Yes, my bestfriend from when I was 4 until 2013 (29) when I told him I was proposing to my gf. He then decided I was a horrible friend and started "remembering" all these stories of me being a bad friend. Asshole still won't talk to me.
Yes, my bestfriend from when I was 4 until 2013 (29) when I told him I was proposing to my gf. He then decided I was a horrible friend and started "remembering" all these stories of me being a bad friend. Asshole still won't talk to me.

so he was into your flavor the whole time?
I went to school years ago with a guy who constantly lied about weird insignificant things. He posts quite often on Facebook and it looks like he has a perfect life. Makes me wonder how much time he spends cultivating this image online.
Had a really good friend occasionally bring up conversations about the stock market, i compiled a list of his lies over a roughly 3 month period (tried to give him the benefit of the doubt during) and saved a few texts that conflicted with his stories. I confronted him about it and he did one of those halfway come clean scenarios like "yeah ok whatever you got me lets go hang out"

The degree to which he lied warranted a much more serious apology and since he didn't fully come clean we don't hang out anymore.
I never wished this person harm but I thought that when the occasional space debris falls to Earth that if it has to land somewhere, and it has to land on land not water, and if she happened to be getting her mail out of her mailbox, at the exact same time when the space debris fell to Earth...

well, one time when i was collecting my mail i heard a sound and looked up to see a falling piece of space debris. I could see by the angle it was falling at that it was going to hit my next door neighbours baby which was playing in the yard. Thinking quickly, i ran and jumped off a nearby tree and showtime kicked the space debris into my olympic sized swimming pool which i had just swum 500 laps in. I went to inspect the space debris, thinking it might be useful for my spaceship that im working on in the backyard (it works. ive already done a test run to the sun, im just putting a $20,000 stereo in before i go for another trip). Before i could get a closer look the NASA showed up and took the debris and said i was the maddest **** they had ever met.

True story.