Do you consider non-athletic competitive activities to be sports?

I most certainly understand the point you're ultimately looking to debate, but I just think as noted you're over thinking by trying to under simplify, if that makes any sense.

There is no athletic requirement to throw a dart or hit a billiard ball that I can see. The abilities you're noting, perception and coordination here, aren't defined by athletics. Valid skills, absolutely. But hand eye ability or coordination is not directly related to athleticism, at least that I relate it to.

I guess I've always considered a fighter's/player's coordination to definitely be a component of his/her overall athleticism. After all, it's the difference between being able to move gracefully and efficiently and bumbling all around the field, cage or ring.
Ah gotcha. Though I'm worried now I won't get to discuss this with my usual crowd of Mayberrians.

I did leave a temp redirect visible in Mayberry, so folks in that forum will see your thread for a little while all the same, and can click to read and be directed should they want to chime in. So you'll still get any audience at the offset wanting to converse. I know it's not the same as remaining there, however, the sports convo is to go in the sports bar, and if the Mayberrians do wish to find topics related, they can shuffle over.

Thanks for your cooperation there, just figured I'd add this for you as an FYI.
I did leave a temp redirect visible in Mayberry, so folks in that forum will see your thread for a little while all the same, and can click to read and be directed should they want to chime in. So you'll still get any audience at the offset wanting to converse. I know it's not the same as remaining there, however, the sports convo is to go in the sports bar, and if the Mayberrians do wish to find topics related, they can shuffle over.

Thanks for your cooperation there, just figured I'd add this for you as an FYI.

Thanks for the FYI. Although I might point out that, depending on one's perspective, this ISN'T sports conversation. . .

Do you see what I did there?
Not really much need to explain if you look at the participants involved. That's why most experts refer to it as a pseudo sport.

I don't understand what the participants have to do with it. I mean, kindergartners playing soccer are engaging in sport.
I guess I've always considered a fighter's/player's coordination to definitely be a component of his/her overall athleticism. After all, it's the difference between being able to move gracefully and efficiently and bumbling all around the field, cage or ring.

Absolutely. But you're speaking about coordination as it pertains to an athletic accomplishment, then trying relate coordination in general as being same.

You can perform a like task in different environments and not have it transfer over the same. Like speaking. We can all speak, but that doesn't mean we're all stand up comics, motivational speakers, or professional debaters. There are additional skill sets beyond just having the ability to talk that need to be parlayed into those particular functions I noted.
For sports then, you can have coordination, but it needs to be utilized with additional skill sets to succeed.
Chess, Scrabble, Poker, Words With Friends, Madden, Call of Duty, gambling are not sports although they are competitive activities.

Darts, Golf, Bowling are borderline sports because they take some physical skill/hand-eye coordination. I would consider them sports even though you can have a beer while doing so.

Agreed, though I would take it a step further.

Darts, golf, bowling, billiards aren't sports because the physical exertion required is so minimal.

Baseball is a borderline sport. Unless you hit a triple, you're really not ever out of breath. This is why they can play 180, 4-hour games in a 7-month stretch.
I don't consider card games, or board games as sports.

Golf, billiards, bowling, darts, not sports either.

A true sport should require cardio and weight training prior to competition. Or at least those who do so generally perform better.
Darts, poker, nascar, bowling, UFC, soccer, etc are all games with varying levels of competitiveness. None of them could qualify as sports as the term is colloquially used.
Chess, Scrabble, Poker, Words With Friends, Madden, Call of Duty, gambling are not sports although they are competitive activities.

Darts, Golf, Bowling are borderline sports because they take some physical skill/hand-eye coordination. I would consider them sports even though you can have a beer while doing so.

Madden/COD: Playing competitively is physically challenging. They require a lot of thumb/finger quickness and coordination! The movements are small scale, but still physical.
I don't consider card games, or board games as sports.

Golf, billiards, bowling, darts, not sports either.

A true sport should require cardio and weight training prior to competition. Or at least those who do so generally perform better.

Training such as you're describing can make a golfer perform better.
Training such as you're describing can make a golfer perform better.

In fact, such training can even make a chessist perform better. Bobby Fischer used to talk about exercising to stay in shape to play chess. He said if you're not in good physical shape it's very difficult to endure the grueling hours just sitting at a chess board.

Skip to 4:09

I'm not sure why you would question something like diving or gymnastics? Is it because the ways to win are mostly (though not entirely) subject and judges play such a large role?

Not judging by itself but the fact that they judge "artistic qualities" , especilly gymnastics and figure skating, I dont think diving does it.

2 girls with the exact same performance but different music will be given different scores.

That puts those sports very close to dancing competitions territory.
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Ballet is as physically demanding as most sports.


And gymnast and figure skaters can get bigger scores for being graceful or cute in their rutines.

