Do you believe Ariel's story about being assaulted?


Badger Milk is not a PED.
Dec 17, 2015
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I have a very hard time believing Chuck Fucking Liddell just stands by while a bodyguard pushes and chokes a guy that weighs 140 for asking him a simple question. Not saying chuck would beat the guys ass but he would almost certainly put a stop to it.
Chuck is a UFC shill. He wouldn't do shit.

And yes I believe Ariel's story. Seems like something the UFC would do.
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Of course I believe it. Where have you been? Never seen Casino or Goodfellas? :p
Of course I believe it. Where have you been? Never seen Casino or Goodfellas? :p
hello again


you sir have one of the best avs i have ever seen on sherdog... and i have been around forever
I'm sure Chuck had no part in Ariel getting roughed up other than being present. But I definitely believe it happened it fits too well with everything we know about the UFC
of course

UFC gets into fights with everyone who has never got into a fight with anyone
Source of Ariel saying he was physically assaulted? I watched a few interviews and I recall him saying that nothing physical happened.
I believe that what passes in the modern day vernacular for assualt most likely took place. By that I mean someone most likely brushed against him while walking away.
Depends on your definition of "assaulted" I don't for one second believe anyone hurt him. I'm sure someone took his arm and escorted him out. Considering what a puss he appears to be, he probably considers that assault.
Dana is one of the biggest bully in pro sport, yes I believe Ariel.

That being said, man up Ariel, man up...
It's believable as an idea, but it's coming from Helwhiney, who this week already admitted to being dishonest and taking money from people he was reporting on.
Multiple people confirmed that he was pushed against a wall and choked so yes I believe him
I bet you anything theres more to it or hes exaggerating.