DNA Tests to find out about ancestry:

I hate those commercials. The woman who now checks "other" because she's everything, the other women who cried wearing the hat and that guy who traded his lederhosen for a kilt......
I guess if i have some loose change lying around.
Im pretty sure i'm mostly Germanic/Slavic , but maybe there's a surprise.
It's not a scam. I have a very specific makeup from three different continents and they were able to map the percentages almost perfectly. What I didn't know was the specific breakdown of each continent and that is what the test provided me.

Even if say you know your ancestors came to America from Britain, you wouldn't necessarily know if that was their origin. Also if someone is black or part black they aren't going to have any idea of what they are.

Anyone with a spare $100 to $900 can buy a "DNA ancestry kit." Self-collection of DNA requires only a quick swab of the inside of the mouth to gather cheek cells. Mail that smear back and the company will then compare your DNA to various other samples.

But claims that this analysis will tell you much about where you came from are downright fraudulent, anthropologist Deborah Bolnick of the University of Texas at Austin and 14 co-authors recently reported.

Instead of tracing our genetic past, what we get is a scientific scam.

"It sure looks like science," says anthropologist Jonathan Marks of the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, one of the authors of the study. "Well, it is science. It’s done by scientists, and it’s done on DNA samples. And it produces real data."

But, Marks points out, these companies are preying on the public because they simply don’t have enough comparative information to pinpoint a gene on a world map. They might match your DNA to some group on some continent, but what they don’t tell you is that you would probably also match the group next door if only they had some of those samples as well.

More insidious, these companies pretend to trace your unique ancestry through mitochondrial DNA, but that’s simply not possible. A few hundred years, a few generations, and every person's history is a genetic mishmash. One little gene isn't going to inform anybody about anything.

As Marks puts it, "That’s the beauty of this scam. The companies aren’t scamming you. They’re not giving you fraudulent information. They are giving you data, real data, and allowing you to scam yourself.
Sure did. 98 percent and some change white. The 1. Whatever percent was Italian which is kinda gross.
You need to spin that as part Roman ....
Good timing, TS. I was buying one of these for my girlfriend today. Probably will do it for myself as well, I expect to be very disappointed lol, I almost want to leave it a mystery.

you mixed with alot or do you have a general idea?
The cheaper ones are a waste of money.
No. There's better methods to determine one's ancestry than having some random clerk projecting his own inadequacies upon the cursory analysis of a man's genetics. And I would be scared to find out that I'm not actually 1/16 Cherokee....it would crush my whole tribal instinct and warrior attitude.
From what ive read most of those things are a scam.

Also i always found it baffling thats theres people who dont know what the fuck they are. Like didnt family mention it in passing at least once or twice or?

It's not a scam. It may not be 100% accurate or as granular as people would like but the tests are largely accurate. It largely got down my ethnicity which would have been impossible to get without my mothers maiden name and my grandmother's maiden name on my dad side. I also used a fake last name in the test just for privacy reasons.

Also i always found it baffling thats theres people who dont know what the fuck they are. Like didnt family mention it in passing at least once or twice or?

Nobody truly knows who fuck who in your family history 100+ years ago. More people are mutts than they realize.
you mixed with alot or do you have a general idea?
I reckon about half German, a quarter Slovak, a little chunk of Ojibwe, and the rest might be English/Irish but it's the family I care least about and makes up the smallest part anyways.

My grandma was found in a ditch on the reservation by some Slovaks. The Slovaks I can trace back for hundreds of years thanks to passing my name down, but my grandma is a real mystery. My aunt thought she was Native until she did her work and found she was totally white. Though she's barely even related to my mom.

Honestly, I guess I should because I'm probably guaranteed to be surprised with something.
I wanna check and make sure I don't have any nephilim blood in my family line.

I hate those commercials. The woman who now checks "other" because she's everything, the other women who cried wearing the hat and that guy who traded his lederhosen for a kilt......

The "Other" woman annoys me somewhat as well. She used to check Hispanic, until she found out that she was Hispanic, so now she checks Other for some reason.
They would probably fly me out chartered just to see what I look like lol. I had some interest but concerns with privacy. Too busy to do it myself so I'd probably have my attorney look at the opt outs before I do it.
Do you even science, bro?

What I got from the article is that it's not a scam. But someone down the street from you might have similar DNA to you so it also is a scam at the same time. The world is a melting pot. If you want to know who you are just look in the mirror.

Whatever the fuck they were trying to say they need to work on their writing skills and drop the hippie bullshit.
Was gonna post my results but probably not the best idea. I actually didn't want to know, but my brother got the test as a wedding gift and texted me the info. I opened the message unknowingly.

Pandora's Box.