Divorce statistics

1) If you have anything at all going for you, Single mothers are to be avoided at all costs. Even if you are a fucktard who got hit with an ugly stick it's a bad idea to get with one.

For people who already have gotten with a single mother: Well you may be locked in now, if so you have essentially played the marriage lottery on this one: If you're lucky you may have gotten one of the few good ones.... but the odds are not in your favor.

2) Also marry a woman with a similar level of income and net worth as well. And DO NOT support her while she stays at home and stays with the kids. If you do this and get divorced you are fucked, the judge will make you support her for the rest of your life.

You're welcome.

Serious question given your posts itt:
Do you speak from experience? Are you being satirical? Or are you a woman hating moron who blames everyone but himself for being single?

Your adversarial stance is a great reason for you to stay alone...forever.
Had no idea black people got married. Learning every day.
I’ve never thought about it, but every black dude or woman I know hasn’t married another black person. I know black people who have married White, Hispanic, and Asian.
Ever see David Chappelle's fried chicken bit? Pure awesomeness.

That one was brilliant. I'm pretty old and rarely taken off guard, but that one snuck up on me and I'm still laughing months after hearing it.
That one was brilliant. I'm pretty old and rarely taken off guard, but that one snuck up on me and I'm still laughing months after hearing it.

Ditto. I was in vegas and saw a black comedian at the Rio, who did a diferent version of the joke, but had to do with having big lips as the reason for blacks being better at singing. I talked to the comedian after the show as they do in vegas, and he said that set up is a standard, and its all in the delivery + shock + funny (obviously).
Yikes, you could draw the same lines with testosterone levels and promiscuity. Sad to see really.
I sorta wonder if so many marriages are committed to by people who don't know how to commit (or don't really want to) that the divorce rate will see marriage fall out of fashion.

Young women are still socially expected to get married. I think that's gonna be a bygone in a few hundred years.
LOL come on now. Asians don't like black people. At best some of the women like the men for one night stands.

Asians are even racist against each other, jeeesus. Chinese racist against other chinese? lolol

The only chinese on chinese racism that I have heard of is the Non PRC Chinese hating on PRC Chinese.
How come I saw no yellows and blacks mixed together? RACISM!!!!!!!!!!!



There is likely some cultural pressures at play. During my lifetime I've seen the changes where divorce has become acceptable and the biggest change has been the acceptance of single mothers. I remember when young women were sent away to homes for unwed pregnant women and gave up their babies. One of my cousins recently found out that her mother had changed her birthdate because she was concieved before her father and mother were married. It was something to be ashamed of in the past but not so much today. Divorce was also something people were ashamed of that has become acceptable and almost expected today.
The rest of the world is being infected by the same phenomena, I am not against divorce in certain situations but its way too easy for people to give up on marriage nowadays. There should be shame in getting a divorce and kids born to single mothers are statistically known to be under performers. Yes yes there is a lot of grey in the world but hyping single motherhood is not the answer.