Disobedient Children


Brown Belt
Mar 31, 2012
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This might be more of a vent than anything but here's my story. I'm a single dad of a 9 year old. Current custody arrangements are I get 50/50 custody.

I recently took a pay cut- 20k a year for the opportunity to have more time off and better schedule for my son back in January. I work wed-fri have weekends and holidays off/ so normally I'll pick up my son Friday night and drop him off Tuesday evening at his moms.

Seemed like a good idea- buuut now all we do is fight. Kid does not want to listen to me, I'm miserable he's miserable. Supposedly he does not do this with his mother. It got to the point this morning where I sat down and told him look I gave up 20,000 dollars a year so we can just fight all the time.

I'd ratther be at work than fighting with you.

Idk what to do, I'm at the end of my rope and honestly contemplating might as well go back to my old job and the old schedule - but I'm sure his mom would hate it cause currently she's all the free time to do whatever she wants.

End of rant/

Any of you guys deal with this before? Prior to this we had a great relationship with the occasional fight but now it's at least once or twice a week all out war.
Colby, I've had 3 children. Let me tell you something. Children lash out and are disobedient sometimes because they are angry on the inside, only, they aren't articulate enough to express why they feel that way. Could be your divorce was somehow blamed on you.

That or beat that kids ass until the demons leave.
Perhaps spending more time with him has put you into a position where your having to enforce discipline more? maybe resentment at some shift in lifestyle caused by spending time with you? need not automatically be something deep seated, small things can be very important to children.
Perhaps spending more time with him has put you into a position where your having to enforce discipline more? maybe resentment at some shift in lifestyle caused by spending time with you? need not automatically be something deep seated, small things can be very important to children.

My advice - cbd oil to the kid's breakfast, let him win a few games of Rocket League here and there and make a deal w him where he gets $10 for every book he reads.

And don't take shit-talk. I got smacked just the right number of times to turn into a decent human being, sherdog membership notwithstanding
Why are you argueing with a 9 yearold, parenting at that age is a dictatorship not a democracy with free and open speech.
You just have to spank their asses with a belt.
Abuse isn't the answer.

That sucks TS I'm terrified of my 4 month old turning out that way. good luck and keep usbposted
Abuse isn't the answer.

That sucks TS I'm terrified of my 4 month old turning out that way. good luck and keep usbposted
Smacking isnt abuse, youll change your tune when that kid gets a little older
Smacking isnt abuse, youll change your tune when that kid gets a little older
Well being an abused child myself, I disagree. And smacking on the ass from time to time is different than beating with a belt.
Well being an abused child myself, I disagree. And smacking on the ass from time to time is different than beating with a belt.
I can tell you know when my son was 2and half he had a bad habit of running of in carparks where the consciences are fatal. Words would not get through, but do you know what did? A quik whack once or twice and he quikly snapped out of it
I'll tell you the best thing you can do is take him hiking/fishing or get him into playing some sport. The little bastards have got too much energy at that age and if you don't find a direction for it they start acting the cunt
That's tough man I'm sorry. I'm a single dad with a 3 year old and 5 year old that I have half the time. They are pretty well behaved now but I do wonder what they will be like when they get older.

On the other hand my girlfriend has a four year old that is a fucking nightmare so I feel like I'd know by now if my kids were going to be a headache

Good luck to you I hope you can get it figured out and mad hespect for being a present father.
A disobedient child is a child who never met mr belt.
No offense but parenting comes easy to me. Its simple really. You set boundries and you never let the little people cross those boundries. If they do, you crush them with ass whoopings/groundings depending on the transgression.

Sounds like you have set no boundries for your son.