Different Styles Of French Fries Ranked... do you agree with the rankings?

Ace of Spade

Purple Belt
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Shoe strings fries are for assholes and anyone who likes them is an idiot
This is a bullshit list no way are waffle fries the best type of fries and how are tater tots better then curly fries.
I don't know who this food republic dude is but that guy must watch true blood…
tater tots ftw

Also, if we're including condiments as I assume we are with the inclusion of chili cheese and garlic fries then I'd have to say tater tots WITH ketchup.
I like Standard, Potato Wedges, Thick Fries in that order. Not interested in the rest.
Stupid list. If tater tots are fries then so are hashbrowns.
Waffle fries never fought anyone good.
I like curly fries the best, but that's just me. I know the "Belgian" style as Dutch style because my wife's grandparents are from holland, and they have them with mayo. Pretty damn good.

Then I like wedges and standard.
Standard, curly and thick cut. The rest are women and children divisions.
I must find one of these potato tornadoes.
Why must we rank great things?

I just love them all
Steak fries and crinkle cut for me, but the others are good, too.
List is bullshit. Poutine #1. Everyone knows that.
No. Just...no. Any list with tater tots above curly fries, steak fries, AND chili cheese fries is literally blasphemy.
Lmao just lmao @ this poverty list.

Fan of the seasoned standard cut french fries myself.