diet/ injury question

Child Please**

Dec 16, 2009
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I'm losing weight by running and eating about 300 calories less then I burn a day. I Still eat plenty of protein and supplement vitamins and minerals. I also have a shoulder injury due to laxity in the joint capsule which is made of connective tissue. I'm currently doing exercise to strengthen this tissue. My question is will my diet slow down the repair process since in order to build muscle you need to eat more calories then you burn?
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I'd say absolutely. The question is by how much though, and I'm not qualified to answer that.
With an injury like this, I'd personally eat a little over maintenance. Nothing near a bulk, but enough to know/make sure my injury is getting all it needs.

Note: when I say "injury like this" I mean one you can obviously rehab since you're doing exercise to strengthen the tissue. Not that I have any actual knowledge about this specific injury.