Diet Help

Curtis Gibbs

Amateur Fighter
Nov 12, 2007
Reaction score
Hello, My Uncle is 6'1.5 and he weighs 350 lbs. He is obese. I am trying to help him with a diet he has been following religeusly. He has the will power to not eat crap and wait for his free day. He wants to get down to about 240 in a 1 years time.However, he is a trucker and gone 4 days a week at a time. so he gets hs food from truck stops or restaraunts, which makes shit complicated. But he does have a refridgerator in his truck, aswell as a microwave. So far I have him following a diet like this

Breakfast - Raison Bran or Eggs or Oatmeal and Water. on workout days he has Oatmeal
Snack - Fruit (work out days an orange)
Lunch - Sandwich or salad or something like that.
Snack - Peanuts or nuts or a source of healthy fats. Maybe cut up veggies
Dinner - Lean meat, veggies. maybe somthing like potatoes
Desert - fruit and yogurt (low fat)

Is this a good diet? but he likes variety and not the same shit all the time. Thanks
I would say take dinner subtract the potatoes, and make that almost every meal. That's pretty much all I'm eating now. Just switch the lean meat out between beef, chicken, pork, & fish. Eggs w/ spinach or oatmeal for breakfast, then meat & veggies every other meal.
Do a search on itnermittent fasting in here. That would work very well for a trucker.