Diego going 0/27 on TDs vs Penn or Frankie going 0/11 vs Aldo 2 - better TDD display?

Disagree. Diego was a great fighter and a beast in his prime. Something changed in him after the BJ fight.

I think Frankie is the more skilled overall and will be remembered as greater, but the gap isn't nearly what you are making it out to be.

The gap is enormous. Diego was a great grappled with weak take downs and a great gas tank. Once he got figured out (and it was before the Penn fight he got figured out), he lost fights like crazy. His striking was always sloppy garbage. Put Diego at any point in his career against Frankie and he gets humiliated
Diego is nowhere near the wressler Frankie is.
The gap is enormous. Diego was a great grappled with weak take downs and a great gas tank. Once he got figured out (and it was before the Penn fight he got figured out), he lost fights like crazy. His striking was always sloppy garbage. Put Diego at any point in his career against Frankie and he gets humiliated
Did you follow MMA from 2005 - 2009 or just know how to log onto Sherdog?

Figured out? Lost fights like crazy? He lost a close fight with Fitch, a fight that was actually pretty exciting with the grappling. And he lost a close decision to Koscheck. At WW. What the hell are you talking about. He was like 20-2 going into the Penn fight, with wins over Diaz, Florian, Karo, Joe Daddy, Riggs and Guida. The ONLY thing Frankie could have done to him would be point fight him. Humiliate him? Def not. Diego was fighting MUCH bigger opponents than Frankie competed or competes against.
Please tell me more about the amazing wrestling circa in hawaii
American state sir.
Wrestling IS the American martial art by adoption.
Im not even gonna search.
If Haway have at least 500 greco practicing students is 400 more then you have in the entire country if Brazil.
Aldo stopping noted wrestler Frankie Edgar from taking him down is much more impressive than Penn stopping noted punching Bag Diego Sanchez from taking him down.

Edgar went 1 for 21 or something over 2 fights with Aldo, and Edgar is possibly the best wrestler at 145. Aldo at his best is a nightmare for wrestlers, which is something you don't see all that often.