Opinion Did you find this speech to be "Controversial?"

Did she thank Moloch for her award?


Bitch probably attended cremation of care afterwards

She chose to murder her child in order to advance in her career. Instead of womaning up and being a mother she chose to be an immature girl and play make believe.

We all make choices in this life, make sure you don't make one that you will regret when you take your last breath.

I am sure she will have regret when she takes her last gasps of this life. Her golden reward that she chose to worship will be of little comfort when she realizes that her child she denied life to isn't there to hold her hand.
I 100% support the right of a woman to destroy her fetus/child. I also support the right for a person to terminate their own life. Or the right to consume alcohol or drugs. Or your right to gamble your child's tuition away.

I'm just not sure any of those rights should be worn as a badge of honor.
I actually found it a bit disturbing. Even if you were pro-choice, having an abortion is an ugly thing and a dark subject. Crediting her abortions as keys to her success is insanely selfish.
how can you not view it as murdering babies.

the left NOW says kill it up to 1 minute before birth. And it should be CELEBRATED.

a gift for Moloch
Half of fertilized eggs die, and often the mother is often unaware.

Among women who know they are pregnant, the miscarriage rate is roughly 10% to 20%, while rates among all fertilized zygotes are around 30% to 50%.​

Should we consider mother nature a genocidal maniac for killing all these babies? Or is it ok at this point because it hasn't been infused with a soul?
Half of fertilized eggs die, and often the mother is often unaware.

Among women who know they are pregnant, the miscarriage rate is roughly 10% to 20%, while rates among all fertilized zygotes are around 30% to 50%.​

Should we consider mother nature a genocidal maniac for killing all these babies? Or is it ok at this point because it hasn't been infused with a soul?

big difference between the life of a few day old zygote and the life of a baby kicking it’s legs away struggling to live as it’s mother has it ripped apart inside the womb.
I don't think this speech is evidence that elites worship the devil. This speech however is evidence that Michelle Williams worships herself and the divine feminine principal. Her agenda, and that of most feminisits, is to condition the masses to also worship the divine feminine principal...which basically means the worship of women.

I feel bad for any young girls that listen to her. A women is at her happiest and most fulfilled in the roll of wife and mother(assuming she has a quality husband she can respect, trust, and follow). Women who pass up kids and marriage for a career are typically miserable by their mid 30s. They cope with cats, wine, pills, and whatever bit of attention they can still get from guys. I believe studies show that women today are more depressed and unhappy than ever.

In regards to the issue of abortion being one big child sacrificing scheme. Who knows. It is true that the founder of Planned Parenthood was an occultist, theosophist, and follower of Helena Blavatsky. Theosophists and occultists worship Lucifer. According to wiki:

In this reference Blavatsky explains that he whom the Christian dogma calls Lucifer was never the representative of the evil in ancient myths but, on the contrary, the light-bringer (which is the literal meaning of the name Lucifer). According to Blavatsky the church turned him into Satan (which means "the opponent") to misrepresent pre-Christian beliefs and fit him into the newly framed Christian dogmas. A similar view is also shared by some Christian Gnostics, ancient and modern.

I can't say that abortion was introduced as a form of child sacrifice ritual but I can say the person who introduced it studied occult rituals and worshiped Lucifer.

Planned parenthood did not introduce abortion. Planned Parenthood is a 20th century organization, abortion has been around since several thousand years before Christ.
big difference between the life of a few day old zygote and the life of a baby kicking it’s legs away struggling to live as it’s mother has it ripped apart inside the womb.
What is that difference? An additional day of development? How many hours in do you draw the line? So you're ok with Plan B?

Most pro choice advocates do not support third trimester abortions, so why are you trying to mislead with sensationalist language?
What is that difference? An additional day of development? How many hours in do you draw the line? So you're ok with Plan B?

Most pro choice advocates do not support third trimester abortions, so why are you trying to mislead with sensationalist language?

the Democratic Party has lost its mind and supports and CELEBRATES abortion up until the moment of birth. It’s murder.
Man I love movies and I have no idea who this is. Basically the only reason I even knew this event took place was because of Ricky Gervais. I wouldn’t be surprised if they bring in more anti pc comedians like this to be hosts cause he singlehandedly gave this award show way more eyes than it would have gotten. Funny that after Ricky says don’t do this, they all go ahead and do it anyways....frankly I’m surprised we didn’t get another “fuck Trump” from De Niro

I wish Ricky would've gotten up there and said "Robert DeNiro says 'Fuck Trump' and I would say 'Fuck DeNiro' but who would want to?"

And no, fringe lunatics on Twitter don't count.


You haven’t heard of the “shout your abortion” movement?


New York and Virginia passed abortion bills that basically made it legal for a women to be giving birth, and at that moment decide to kill the child, and it’s now legal.

the governor of Virginia even went as far as to say if the baby is born and the mother doesn’t want it, she should have the option to murder the child AFTER BIRTH.

Sounds like your typical detached from the real world hollywood virtue signaling narcissist. Pushing her communities talking points, im surprised meryl streep didn't take the stage to do more grand standing for applause.

You haven’t heard of the “shout your abortion” movement?


New York and Virginia passed abortion bills that basically made it legal for a women to be giving birth, and at that moment decide to kill the child, and it’s now legal.

the governor of Virginia even went as far as to say if the baby is born and the mother doesn’t want it, she should have the option to murder the child AFTER BIRTH.


That first girl is Michelle Wolf, a comedian who tries to get attention through controversial statements. The writer in that Guardian link is Lindy West, a radfem who isn't representative of mainstream.

Northam's quote requires a bit more nuance to summarize than characterizing him as a supporter of murdering a baby after birth. Here is his quote:

"[Third trimester abortions are] done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen," Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."

It's his response to a nonviable fetus that is prematurely born. I don't necessarily agree with this position, but you are sensationalizing his position. Go look up what a nonviable birth is.
"When you put this in someone's hands you're acknowledging the choices they make as an actor. Moment by moment, scene by scene, day by day. But you're also acknowledging the choices they make as a person. The education they pursued, the training they sought, the hours they put in. I'm grateful for the acknowledgement of the choices I've made and I'm also grateful to have lived in a moment in our society where choice exists, because as women and as girls, things can happen to our bodies that are not our choice," Williams began.

"I've tried my very best to live a life of my own making, and not just a series of events that happened to me. But one that I could stand back and look at and recognize my handwriting all over. Sometimes messy and scrawling, sometimes careful and precise. But one that I had carved with my own hand. And I wouldn't have been able to do this without employing a woman's right to choose."

"To choose when to have my children and with whom, when I felt supported and able to balance our lives as all mothers know that the scales must and will tip towards our children. Now I know my choices might look different than yours, but thank God or whoever you pray to that we live in a country founded on the principles that I am free to live by my faith and you are free to live by yours. So, women 18 to 118, when it is time to vote please do so in your self-interest. It's what men have been doing for years, which is why the world looks so much like them but don't forget we are the largest voting body in this country. Let's make it look more like us."

Regardless of what I think about her talking about abortion while being pregnant and receiving an award I have to say I found her speech foolish, confused and full of contractions. She talks about how wonderful it is to live in a society where there's freedom (and she's right!) but then proceeds to claim men are selfish pigs. While I definitely understand her point I don't think she understands that none of her freedom is actually free. It was conquered and it's defended by men, the same men she claims only think about themselves. It's interesting how it's socially accepted to ignore all the good things men have and continue to do while painting them as violent misanthropes.

So she got pregnant and it wasn’t her choice then how did that happen. She didn’t know “how babies were made” or how to prevent it.