Did anybody else see Jose after Conor left?

Yeah, you could tell Aldo was a little taken back, had a very nervous laugh going, like when a kid is scared and doesn't know what to do. Conor is getting that belt and you can see Aldo feels the wave coming. He was certainly uncomfortable and wanted nothing to do with it.

Or an amused smile like when, king is amused by the court jester
It was seconds later.

Aldo can smile through the whole process. Im sure he will.

I dont believe for a second he was happy about what transpired and the camera showed it.

Of course he's not "happy". Are you absolutely dense?

He had to fly up to Boston for a hype-up confrontation in front of the cameras. His reaction was an attempt to show his next opponent he isn't fazed in the slightest at the potential threat Conor poses nor intimidated by the inevitable posturing and shit talk.
I like what connor is doing, everyone knows i talk shit, so i'm a fan.... But Aldo was smiling cause he loves it... he knows he himself is a damn monster
I'm a fan of Conor, as well as the fine trolling work fellow fans have managed but saying Aldo was scared is just silly. What did they expect him to do? Try and brawl with him in the audience like a child? Should have he started shouting unintelligible slurs in Portugese?

Personally I'm glad he didn't go into the cage also, I hate that WWE esque shit. Only time I liked that was GSP going in with Hughes because it was so hilariously awkward.
Exactly. I think the excitement/spontaneity of it all would be lost with the translator in there third-manning the trash talk. Besides, we don't need anyone else wishing to fuck Chuck again...

And why not? It's another whole level of intimidation.
No translator needed, he knew whats up. He did nothing and then refused to enter the cage.
Dude, Aldo is from the favelas in Brazil. I'm sure the ugliest ghetto in Ireland would seem like Candyland compared to the favelas. Nothing Conor can do can scare Aldo.

I wonder what ranks as the worlds ugliest ghetto? The slums in Thailand have the Brazilian favelas beat.
Are you kidding? Aldo stood up, didn't move, didn't flinch, heart didn't skip a beat, the smile was genuine, just like Cain meeting JDS when he threw it down.. And he continued to smile, a little later he wasn't, but he always has the pissed look lol. Either way, why can't he be pissed? I still can't believe Conor pulled the whole wait for someone to hold me back bit than went on in the PC how Aldo was lucky