Did ALI have as many haters as Conor coming up?

I'm guessing OP is trolling, but I'm bored at work again so I'll take the bait.

I'll try and put it in perspective.
Black man,
Height of the Civil rights movement,
Nation of Islam member,
Outspoken as fuck.

Imagine the hate Mayweather times 1000, and you might get close.
Ali was sent to jail for draft evasion.
He wasn't a popular dude.
You're living in an MMA bubble if you think Conor is anywhere in Ali's league. Grandmothers knew who Ali was and everyone watched his fights. He transcended the sport.

I probably couldn't even get 1 out of 10 people asked who would know who Conor is.

Conor is just a copy cat....
Ali coming up was Cassius Clay. He became Ali at the time of the first Liston fight. Ali was associated with a group that can be described as a racist cult. When you look at pictures of Ali from that era you can see Louis Farrakhan beside him. Perhaps you like Louis Farrakhan but most can see him for the racist demagogue that he is. Ali is no different, except while the press loves Ali they revile Farrakhan.

Ali, claimed to be a clergy person in his racist cult, avoided the draft. Because the media is massively liberal, Ali at this point became the darling of many in the media. He was one of the greatest heavyweight champions, without any doubt. I was first introduced to boxing in the buildup to Ali-Frazier I. I liked, and still do, the Henry Armstrong constant attacking style that Frazier employed. At that time athletes presented themselves in a humble, non-boastful manner. Ali and Joe Namath were the two examples of athletes who were not humble. Namath simply guaranteed a win. Ali ran his mouth non-stop. In that era, it was reprehensible.

Today it is common and even typical for athletes to be like conor/ Ali. Conor doesn't grate on us as much because the act has been played thousands of times now. Conor's white; so use a name of a black athlete. It's the difference between Jim Brown not spiking a football and high school kids hot dogging. Watch interviews of Joe Louis, Jersey Joe Walcott, Rocky Marciano and they form the precedent for how a champion should act.

Finally, Ali was living in a contentious racial era and would have been hated by many for simply standing up for himself. Add on top of that, he adopted a minority religion. He was going to have haters but he didn't need to lie about the story about throwing his gold medal in the river (it has been reasonably established that he lied.)
Wasn't Ali 1/4e1000 Irish? I'm pretty sure there was an entire media campaign about that.

It's official not only was Ali more hated, loved, and doubted but he was also more Irish in spirit than Conor.
Literally nothing Ali ever did could ever amount to literally anything Conor already is.
The GOAT of the sweet science are on a whole other level compared to GOAT of MMA. Stupid really.
You should have a stroke or something similar TS.

Besides that, no he didn't because the internet wasn't around so there wasn't anywhere for the legions of idiots to publish their opinions, since newspapers wouldn't put out garbage like this.
Being on the internet and anonymous has turned many into assholes. So, I doubt he "had this many haters". At the end of the day, people were huge fans of boxing. My, have times changed....
Wasn't Ali 1/4e1000 Irish? I'm pretty sure there was an entire media campaign about that.

It's official not only was Ali more hated, loved, and doubted but he was also more Irish in spirit than Conor.

Since when did a Black person being part ever count for anything other than to rob Black people of something positive.
Did he have as many doubters as GOAT?

But for his outspoken views on the war (some would say he was a draft-dodger), his extremely cocky personality, and the way he berated some opponents, I'd say he had some haters. But he was also very popular, based on his skill, the little rhymes he used to do and the interviews with Howard Cosell. But hey, all successful athletes/champions have haters right?
Ali also won over the entire continent of Africa when he fought Foreman

Indeed, he was a great, I'm just giving reasons people may of hated him, he made far more of an impression on the public and it wasn't just because of his boxing.