Diaz fans leave your Conor gifs memes Pics and vids here making fun of him



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I respect Conor for all he's done but man, this loss is going to lead to some funny blow back.

It´s not my gif though...

Just tremendous, imo...
I respect Conor for all he's done but man, this loss is going to lead to some funny blow back.
Deserves it imho. You can't say "I just talk trash for the payday", humiliate people and put them down, and not expect this to happen.
As a Diaz fan, I don't really care about making fun of Conor. I think everyone making fun of Conor is a Conor hater more than a Diaz fan.

Edit: I gotta say though, some of these are pretty funny lol.
This is my favorite lmao.
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It was great to see McGregor get his butt kicked and i hated his antics but i will give him respect for his attitude in defeat. He took it like a man. Being humbled is not such a bad thing over time. Embarrassing as anything initially but i makes you a better character. Jon Jones is the next fighter that needs humbling. Hopefully DC will humble him. Hopefully Rumble KO's him.
Why would we do that? Conor fought a better fighter and lost, there is no need to keep making fun of him. The air on Sherdog is noticeable cleaner today though. ;)