Cincy, are you from the South?
I'm curious because growing up white in New England there was really no such thing as white guilt in relation to the trans Atlantic slave trade.
I've only ever seen this idea of white people being threatened by black people talking about race relations and getting irritated that they perceive someone is telling them they should feel guilty or that their community has done something guilt worthy from people who really did have some deep guilt about these issues that they could not face or be honest about.
I didn't finish season 1 but as a white guy watching the show I never felt guilty. Not even a bit. I want everyone to have the chances and privliges I had growing up middle class in an area where we struggled financially at times and yeah we ran from the cops at times but I was never worried they were going to shoot me in the back when me and my friends took off on skateboard into the allies to get away from the police.
My ancestors didn't really participate in the slave trade, quite a few were vocal abolitionists long before the war and when the civil war did break out quite a few died for the Union's cause.
But our white guilt took a slightly different form. Any time the Native Americans / First Nations Tribes came up, old folks would quietly admit "yeah, we killed them all. it was wrong and I wish it didn't go down like that but it did".
At the same time, I wouldn't look at a show depicting the struggles of modern or historical First Nations people and turn it off in disgust saying "this producer is just trying to make me feel guilty!"