Dealing with the Bull Rush

Red Gi.


Good idea. I will wear a Red gi at my next class, that should take care of my bullrushing opponent.
pull guard with a guillotine.

a lot of guys hang their head when they bull rush, so just snatch up the choke and get a tight closed guard.

if he defends, you're in guard and can work like normal. defending a good guillotine can be a real pain in the ass, so he'll be less willing to rush you again and again if you keep choking him.

DITTO. Of course this won't always work but I caught 2 of 3 guys tonight like that and finished with a guillotine. Worst case scenario is you will probably end up with him in your guard defending it.
Every gym has their own bull rushers. Unfortunately the one at mine trained everyday so he doesn't fall for any grips that put him in any danger. If you do get a grip hes so strong that he just rips it right off. His judo experience has also given him excellent base.

We call him the gorilla or silverback, but he is highly intelligent and owns his own company.

These kinds of people are best defeated with a good open guard, especially the spider guard. Triangles are the submission of choice against these types of characters.