Dealing with an alcoholic friend...need help.


Steel Belt
Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
My friend is an alcoholic confirmed. I've been trying to help, but I've been busy.

So I came here to ask, how do I free up some of my time so I can drink as much as he does, and not become the boring friend. I feel like I'm becoming the boring friend, and I can tell that him and my other friends are about to have boring friend intervention with me.
Distancing oneself from non drinking friends and family is a start.
tell him he looks like a fat puffy piece of shit and he's hurting his liver.
Distancing oneself from non drinking friends and family is a start.

Its strange. Drinking runs in my family. But my maternal great grandfather was apparently sober, I wonder if that gene skipped 2 generations and i got it.
I'm the alcoholic friend, and yes, you're boring.
So you wanna help your buddy, or you wanna keep up with him drinking wise?

I'm confused.

Start "bird watching"?
Its strange. Drinking runs in my family. But my maternal great grandfather was apparently sober, I wonder if that gene skipped 2 generations and i got it.
You could ponder that while bird watching.
I'm confused, are you trying to help your alcoholic friend or are you asking how to become a better drinker?
Well. Definitely wasnt expecting that curve ball
I cant find any adderall
Try the pot. I heard it's a gateway drug. Maybe it will lead you down a dark path which brings you to the adderall dealer.

Or, just go to a doctor and tell him you cant focus. He'll write you the script on the spot.
Try the pot. I heard it's a gateway drug. Maybe it will lead you down a dark path which brings you to the adderall dealer.

Or, just go to a doctor and tell him you cant focus. He'll write you the script on the spot.

I'm high all day.