Deadlifting with a belt?


Brown Belt
Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, yesterday was the first time I tried DL'ing with a belt, and I goddamn hated it. I did my warmup 135x8, then 315x5 with the belt like normal, the for my first 'heavy' set which was supposed to be 365x5 I put the belt on.

I have a fairly decent quality new Harbringer belt that works great for me for squats, so I'm discouting the possibility that it's my belt. So anyways, I go to do the first rep of my set, and the belt first slowed my lift down mad, second really hurt my stomach. I didn't want to try a second rep, it was too weak and painful of a first rep.

So I put the belt away and did my 395x3, 415x2. I was fucking pissed off though, cuz that damn belt ruined a whole friggin set for me.

So the Question is, why did the belt fuck me up? Am I missing something?
I have had problems with this in the past. Mostly when I was a pretty chunky 330. I dunno what you tip the scales at, but if you're a stocky guy or have a big gut, you're partially just gonna have to get used to it. A few ideas anyways:

If you have a training partner (or even just somebody you can get to help you for a second) put the belt on backwards. Buckle it in the back. The buckle area tends to be what bites in most, so with it out of the way, you're better off sometimes.

One thing that made a huge difference for me was belt placement. On my squats I wear my belt so the middle off my belt is about at my navel, and the belt is in a uniform position through out. What works better for me on pulls is putting the front of the belt down low (like more where you'd wear your jeans, not your true waistline) and have it tilt slightly so it's a little bit higher on my lower back.

Also, unless you're REALLY low bodyfat, you're going to fill up some space in the belt when you bend down into a deadlift position. If you have any fat, it's going to squish out a bit. So even though you want your belt pretty tight, remember to leave some room in it because it'll cinch up at the bottom of your pull most likely, and not to mention filling up with air and pressing against the belt on purpose (one WSB idea I like).
So DL'ing with a belt is still a good idea though?

I"m 5'9"-5'10", 201lbs, BF% probably 16-18... Mostly around my midsection though.

I wear the belt high too, maybe that has something to do with it.
Fat around the midsection could be part of it, and so could wearing the belt too high. Give my tips a try and see how it works. I think wearing a belt on heavy/max pulls is a great idea.

However, I almost always include some beltless pulling in my routine. Right now SLDL's off a 3" platform with no belt make me fucking horny. I love those.

I figure you get the best of both worlds this way. You get to handle maximal weights safely (and maybe get a few lbs out of the belt if you use it right) on the main lifts, and can really hammer your spinal erectors on some of your assistance if you want.
I always use DLs with a leather belt. It REALLY helps me when I'm compressing the air in my belly. I weigh about 220, have a little bit of a stomache, and yes, I have a hard time getting the motherfucker on. I just suck in REAL HARD, put the belt as tight as it can possibly go, and buckle it up. I wont take it off until im done with lower body.

The key for me was to find a belt that is the biggest peice of shit that the weightroom had (high school weightroom). The newer, stiffer belts were nearly impossible for me to get on, and damn they hurt.
Thanks or the tips, I'll give them a try.
i was thinking about lifting wiv out mine cus of this, do u think back injury would be inevitable tho.
groin striker said:
i was thinking about lifting wiv out mine cus of this, do u think back injury would be inevitable tho.

That is precisely what I'm worried about.
Well, many people feel that you can lift safely without a belt. I think it's certainly possible.

I just also remember what my coach saying "there's only so much back to go around", and I'm not in the business of courting disaster. Unless aformentioned disaster has a wet slit between their legs. In which case, call me a sucker.
i'm 156 with maybe 3% bf and a belt gives me a hell of a problem too so i rarely use one also with almost no belly fat at all
Weightlifting isn't about comfort or it would be easy. I hate wearing the belt, but I do. It's the same thing when it hits your crotch area doing strait bar shrugs, but ya still do them. I hope it doesn't hamper performance, but I see the belt as a plus for the most part.
I know I'm doing shrugs right when I'm hitting myself int he crotch. That's actually my goal when doing them.

Hey, would any of you young studs like to punch me in the belly?