Days of High Adventure (Strength, Conditioning & Everything)


Brown Belt
Feb 2, 2006
Reaction score
Lo! It is begun anew.

Old log:

Short-term goals: get down to 180lbs; 2 mile run in 12:30; 10-second flag; CoC #2 both hands.

Long-term goals: 200kg deadlift; 180kg z-squat; freestanding handstand push-up and pistol; full planche; wear the jewelled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow.

Age: 26
Height: 178cm / 5' 10"
Weight: 83.5kg / 184lbs


Starting PRs:
Wtd Dips: +65kg x3
Deadlift: 170kg
Zercher squat: 130kg
Power Clean: 90kg
Max BW Pull-ups: 30
Max 1-arm Pull-ups: 2
Flag: 8 seconds
Grip: CoC #2 x1 right hand, CoC #1.5 x2 left hand
2 mile run time: 13:10
100 burpees time: 6:16

Present PRs:
Wtd Dips:
Zercher squat:
Power Clean:
Max BW Pull-ups:
Max 1-arm Pull-ups:
2 mile run time:
100 burpees time:

Teh Rooteen

Sat - Squat & OHP
Superset: Zercher Squat w/ Jumping Pistols or Sandbag Jumping Lunges
Overhead Squat
Strict OHP
Grip work (CoC & levering)

Sun - Recovery & Core
Flag/planche/handstand practice
Heavy core work (wtd. inverted situps, rollouts, etc.)
Neck work


Mon - Dips & Chins
Superset: Weighted Dips w/ Dynamic Effort Bench
Superset: Weighted Pull-ups w/ Clapping pull-ups or horizontal rows on rings
Grip work (dead hangs & pinching)


Tue - Recovery & Core
Flag/planche/handstand practice
Hanging core work (Leg raises, front & back levers on rings)
Neck work


Wed - Pulls
Power cleans
Shrugs or Bent-over Rows

Thu - Unilateral Work
One-arm snatch
One-arm Overhead Squats or Windmills
Endurance core work (crunches, ring L-sits, planks, hip extensions)
Neck work

Fast run (2 mi.)

Fri - Off

+ Every morning is the obligatory QMGPP - usually 10-20 minutes of jump rope, bag work or BW circuits, and usually pyramid-style BW chins (100 total - unless it's pull day)

Most lifts will be done in straight sets in the region of 5x5. In the past I've pretty much exclusively used ramping sets looking for a new PR every session, but I'm not making enough progress that way any more.

I'm supersetting my big compound lifts (except DL) with higher rep (6-8) dynamic work too. I like it so far - no impediment to max gains and I'm keeping my endurance up. Also I sawd a Ultimate Fighter do it and I wanna be just like him.

Speaking of which, actually training martial arts would be a smart move, but I won't be able to afford it very often while I'm on the dole. What I can afford is a good diet and top fucking notch athletic improvement like never before. I'll get back to BJJ in a few months.

The last few months have been dedicated to weight loss - I'm down 25lbs since March thanks to a clean diet and shittonnes of BB complexes and hard running. Having a more sensible size-to-strength ratio = flag, planche, 1-arm pullup and those bastard 30 chins I've been after for the past year.

The old barbell-based maxes took a bit of a hit from the weight loss but I've gotten back on track these past few weeks. As you can see from my old log, I'm moving pretty much exactly the same weight on the bar as I was last year. Bodyweight feats aside I'm no stronger. This must change. I intend to be lighter, stronger and faster than ever before by summer's end.
Hark! The sweet sound of a new challenger...
This guy talks funny.

Will be checking this log for videos of 10 second flag to come.
Get that lousy wheel out of here!
*throws wheel..goats scramble*

Good luck on your travels to Aquilonia!
Anyone else playing Age of Conan?
The MMO? Nah, I've sworn off online multiplayer games. They are too much of a time sink.

Ditto. I would've bought it if it was single player, but MMOs don't appeal to me at all.

10.06 - Dips & Chins

Wtd. Dips / DE Bench superset
60kg x3 x5 / 55kg x6 x5

Wtd. Chins / Ring horizontal rows superset
50kg x5 x5 / BW x8 x5

One-arm pullups
BW x2 x6

Wtd. 1-hand dead hangs
20kg x 10 seconds each hand

25 minute Fartlek run.

11.06 - Stuff
20 minutes jump rope
Chins pyramid BW x100 (1-10-1)

Flag practice
Handstands (5 min total)
Hanging pikes - BW x8 x4
1-arm Hanging pikes - BW x1 x0.5
Neck work

2 mile run - 13:24

12.06 - Pull

Power cleans
60kg x lots
70kg x lots
80kg x2 x3

Snatch-grip Deadlift
100kg x5
120kg x5 x4

100kg x8 x4

One-arm pullups
BW x2 x5

Finished off with some BW circuits and a 30-minute LSD run.
Ditto. I would've bought it if it was single player, but MMOs don't appeal to me at all.

10.06 - Dips & Chins

11.06 - Stuff

12.06 - Pull

There is a single player Conan, but IMO it sucks. It's like God of War with a terrible story and shitty fighting mechanics (too many enemies and bosses take forever to kill). It isn't challenging, just seems like lazy programming to make the game feel longer.

Also, why are you post workouts from the sixth day of each month starting so long ago?:icon_chee
+ Every morning is the obligatory QMGPP - usually 10-20 minutes of jump rope, bag work or BW circuits, and usually pyramid-style BW chins (100 total - unless it's pull day)

QMGPP? Meh, that's just a fad some internet guy came up with...:icon_chee

Glad to see you back.
Also, why are you post workouts from the sixth day of each month starting so long ago?:icon_chee

I will steadfastly continue to parse the date the sane way - dd/mm/yy. It's bad enough the HTML tags demand I type "color".

BTW, any running you see posted is done at least 2 or 3 hours after the preceding gym sessions.

And glad to be back X - as you see , I got the 30 chins. Turns out the key was ditching two stone of flab.
If I lost 20lbs, I'd be back down to 150-something...gross...

I was really happy to hit 20 chins. I was stuck in the high teens forever. The weight is going up nicely though, I think I got 80lbs for 4 reps the other day.

Now I'm focusing on pull ups. These seem to be more responsive to training. I'll probably hit 20 within a few weeks, then I'll build up some more chin reps.

Congrats on getting to the 30. I know we didn't have sig bet, but I'll change mine anyway...
Anyone else playing Age of Conan?

I have it, but my comp cannot run it. I am waiting for Funcom to fix a lot of issues before I invest into another computer. Don't want to buy a 900 dollar PC and have it still run like crap.

Goodluck to you OP!

14.06 - Squat & OHP

Back Squats
90kg x10
100kg x4
100kg x3 x3

Superset: Zercher Squats / Jumping Lunges w/shouldered sandbag
110kg x3 x6 / 30kg sandbag x 4 each leg

Jumping Pistols
BW x8 x4

Strict OHP
60kg x5 x4

30 min. LSD run an hour later

Gotta get back on the horse with the old back squats. My numbers at it have always been a fucking disgrace, but I've never been able to isolate what I'm doing wrong. I think it's a breathing/weak core issue - maybe rounding my back in the hole. From now on I'll start every workout with a few moderately heavy sets to work on my form, and it'll at least fire up the CNS and improve any subsequent lifts.

Jumping pistols are pretty easy after doing squats. Still can't balance out of the hole though. I should start using my KB for these.

16.06 - Dips & Chins

Wtd. Dips / DE Bench superset
55kg x 5 x4/ 50kg x 8 x4

Wtd. Chins / Horizontal Ring Rows
50kg x 5 x4 / BX x8 x4

One-arm pull-ups
2 x lots
Plenty of frenchies and dead-hangs

Had to miss the rest of the week due to life shit.

22.06 - Squats & OHP

Front Squat / Jumping Lunges superset
60kg x 8 / 30kg bag x 5
70kg x 6 / 30kg bag x 5
80kg x 6 / 30kg bag x 5
90kg x 5 x 4 / 30kg bag x5

Jumping Pistols
8 x 4

Strict OHP
60kg x 6 x 5

20 minute hard run (HR kept above 175bpm) an hour later.

Felt a slight tweak in my left knee in the hole during one of the jumping pistols. I probably should stop doing these.

23.06 - BJJ
Fucking hell I'd missed rolling. First time back as a scrawny welterweight and it felt great. No more taps via blubber-smother or truffle shuffle, but my flexibility and speed are way better and I easily outgassed a few lads late in the session. Lessons learned: half-guard is halfway to back mount. The peruvian necktie is win. I need better strength-endurance in my arms... time to break out the curl bar, I'm afraid.
lol at blubber smother and truffle shuffle...
Hell yeah. A new Revok log.

Revok said:
Lessons learned: half-guard is halfway to back mount.

Ha, good point...did you find this out by getting the back mount on someone, or were you the one giving up your back?